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reasonable decision and if the extension is consented to by <br />the applicant on the record. OP Development Concept Plan <br />ee <br />City <br />Council.approval <br />shallrequire <br />rez ning rapplication lvshalle require e four <br />affirmative votes of the City Council and, if approved, shall <br />be approved subject to approval of the OP Development Final <br />Plan. <br />11. Section 301.070D.16, Subd. lO.A.9. (This subdivision should <br />be deleted.) <br />12. Section 301.070D.16, Subd, 10.B. Planning Commission Review. <br />Upon receipt of a completed OP Development Preliminary Plan <br />and, where appropriate a Preliminary Plat, the City Planner <br />shall refer the applications to appropriate staff, <br />consultants, and other special review agencies including the <br />Minnesota Department of Natural Resources if the proposed <br />development is within a designated shoreland. The <br />applications shall also be placed on the Planning Commission <br />Agenda for review at a public hearing preceded by ten days <br />published notice and two weeks mailed notice to record owners <br />of each parcel located within 350 feet of the perimeter of the <br />Proposed development. The Planning Commission shall make its <br />recommendations to the City Council within thirty days of <br />Planner's receipt of the completed OP Development Preliminary <br />Plan and Preliminary Plat applications. <br />13. Section 301.070D.16, Subd. 10.C. CityCouncil Review, The <br />City Council shall review the OP Development Preliminary Plan <br />and Preliminary Plat within sixty days of Planner's receipt of <br />the completed applications. The OP Development Preliminary <br />Plan and Preliminary Plat shall require three affirmative City <br />Council votes for approval. The City Council may also table <br />its review a reasonable time, if necessary, to obtain <br />information that will enable the City Council to make a <br />reasonable decision and if the extension is consented to by <br />the applicant on the record. <br />Upon approval, the City Council shall instruct the City <br />Attorney to draw up an OP Development Agreement that <br />stipulates the specific terms and conditions established and <br />approved by the City Council. The Development Agreement shall <br />be signed by all parties within thirty days of the City <br />Council's approval of the OP Development Preliminary Plan. <br />14. Section 301.070D.16., Subd. 11.B. City council Review. Upon <br />receipt of a completed OP Development Final Plan and Final <br />Plat, the City Planner shall review the application to <br />appropriate City Staff for review and recommendations. The OP <br />Development Final Plan and Final Plat shall e <br />conform to th requirements established through approval of the he Development Preliminary Plan and Preliminary Plat. The City <br />op <br />Council shall review the Op Development Final Plan and Final <br />Plat within sixty days of Planner's receipt of the completed <br />