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Steve Delapp questioned whether or not the building inspectors car should go in the building. <br />Karen Johnston questioned the deep bays as shown on the plan Lee hunt adde that there may be <br />possibility that some of the items could be pulled out of the building. <br />Dan reviewed what the existing cold storage areas will be used for. <br />Steve Delapp had concerns regarding the proposal as outlined. Mr Delapp will meet with Dan <br />Olinger before the next meeting and three alternative scenarios will be developed for discussion. <br />Mayor John asked if the building should accommodate meetings. Karen Johnston stated that the <br />city may need the space. Ann Terwedo stated that the building committee did not like a meeting <br />room. <br />Rita Conlin questioned the future needs for cold storage. Additional storage should go on the <br />north side of the building. <br />The next joint meeting with the MAC and council will be June 4, 1996. <br />Respectfully Submitted <br />Ann Pung-Terwedo <br />C <br />