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06-04-96 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
06-04-96 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 4, 1996 6 <br />M/S/P Conlin/John - to adopt Ordinance 8135, as amended, An Ordinance Adding Sections 301.040, 160 <br />(Definition of Light Manufacturing); 301.070D.14.C.8 "Light Manufacturing permitted by Conditional Use <br />Permit; and amending Section 301.070 D.14.C.9 "Use Determination" all relating to the Limited Business <br />(LB) Zoning District. (Motion passed 4-1:DeLapp:The Limited Business Ordinance is a major <br />compromise by the City and should be left intact. The City should be specific on acceptable uses --an <br />auto body paint shop or a medical incinerator along Hwy 5 could be an acceptable use.) <br />B. Case No. ZMA/96/10 Rezoning from Rural Residential to Limited Business. <br />Applicant: Walter Pechan <br />Planner Terwedo reported this is a request for a zoning map amendment to rezone a 2.05 acre parcel <br />from (RR) Rural Residential to (LB) Limited Business. Adjacent land uses include an animal training <br />facility to the south, vacant land to the east and west and agricultural lands to the north. The lot size of <br />2.05 acres was existing prior to the establishment of the LB zoning regulations. The Planning <br />Commission recommended approval at their May 29, 1996 meeting. Mr. Pechan would use the same <br />access as the Animal Inn. <br />M/S/P Conlin/DeLapp - to adopt Ordinance 8136, as amended, (delete the 41h and 5th paragraphs <br />because it is not necessary to require the legal descriptions of the easements for the rezoning), An <br />Ordinance amending Section 301.070C "Zoning District Map" of the 1979 Lake Elmo Municipal Code. <br />(Motion passed 5-0). <br />C. PUBLIC HEARING:Case No. V/96-14, Variance to lot size and lot width:Michael Severin <br />The Public Hearing notice was published in the May 23, 1996 Stillwater Gazette and the property owners <br />within 350' were notified. <br />Planner Terwedo reported this is a variance request to lot size and lot width by Michael Severin, 8012 <br />50th Street. Mr. Severin would demolish two small homes which were originally constructed as cabins <br />and construct one larger home in their place. Mr. Severin would combine the lots which would create a <br />1.35 acre. The lot width for the newly created lot is 40 feet which is enough of an area to provide access <br />to the lot. The minimum lot width for this zoning district is 150 feet. The City had acquired 110 feet for <br />the mound system on the southeast corner of the parcel which left Mr. Severin 40 feet of frontage. <br />The Council received a letter from Mildred Meier indicating she did not object to the granting of the <br />variances so Mike Severin can build a new home The map accompanying the notice marked the <br />boundaries of Bennett and Argyle Street and indicated an encroachment on Bennett by a septic lift <br />station to a mound system. Mrs. Meier strongly objected to any Council action that could negatively <br />effect the access to or the development and use of her property. <br />The Council received a letter from James Normann and Pam Beytien, 7955 Hill Trail Court, voicing their <br />objection to the proposed building plan. <br />Mayor John opened up the public hearing at 10:00 p.m. in the Council chambers. <br />Mike Severin stated he wants to demolish the two homes which are inadequate and build one larger <br />home for his family. The existing garage will remain on the front lot. <br />Carl Abrahamson, 8061 Hill Trail N., is in favor of granting the variance because the new home would <br />improve the area. Mr. Severin would have had a conforming lot before they took a portion of his property <br />for the 201 mound system. Mr. Abrahamson voiced his concern on the possibility of is well becoming <br />contaminated because he is surrounded by mound systems. <br />Mildred Meier referred to her letter dated June 1,1996 stating her concerns. <br />
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