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09-03-96 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
09-03-96 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES SEPTEMBER 3, 1996 <br />6. CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT: <br />A. 5-Year Municipal State Aid (MSA) Plan <br />Engineering Services for reconstruction of 301h Street and 50th Street Right -of -Way Acquisition <br />At the last Council meeting, the City Engineer was asked to present a 5-year MSA plan. Tom Prew <br />reviewed the submitted MSA 5-year plan, in which he recommends adding 50th Street North, from Lake <br />Elmo Avenue to T.H. 5 to the system. First, the City must acquire the north half of the right-of-way. <br />Secondly, we need to have additional streets built in Lake Elmo so that our allowable State Aid mileage <br />can be raised. Also shown in the plan is reconstructing 30th Street North in 1997 because the street is in <br />very poor condition. The City Engineer will prepare a proposal for engineering services in conjunction with <br />the reconstruction of 30th Street. Several residents voiced their objection with 30th St, made into an MSA <br />road because the impact on the neighborhood would be significant. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Johnston - to adopt Resolution No. 96-25 Approving the 5-Year Municipal State Aid Plan <br />as prepared by the City Engineer. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />B. Partial Payment #2 to S.J. Louis in the amount of $100,464.12 for work in Section 33 Infrastructure <br />City Engineer Tom Prow reported all underground piping work is complete and tested. The contractor <br />has temporarily moved off the site while he wafts for the pumps and the control panel to be delivered for <br />the lift station. Turf restoration and driveway replacement will be completed soon by subcontractors. <br />Prew recommended approval of Partial Payment No 2 to S.J. Louis Construction, Inc. in the amount of <br />$100,464.12 for the SE 1/4 Section 33 Utilities. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Johnston - to approve partial payment #2 to S. J. Louis Construction, Inc. in the amount of <br />$100,464.12 based on the favorable recommendation of the City Engineer. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />7. PARKS/MAINTENANCE: <br />8. PLANNING, LAND USE & ZONING: <br />A. Case No. SUB/96-26 Minor Subdivision. Applicants: Ashby/VanSycoc, Jamaca Avenue North of <br />Highway 5 <br />Mark Ashby and Lester Van Sycoc requested a minor resubdivision (lot line adjustment) with a 24,000 <br />sq.ft. portion of land being removed from an existing 2.76 acre parcel located on the northwest corner of <br />Jamaca Avenue and Highway 5 and combined with the land at 3412 Jamaca Avenue. The 2.76 acre <br />parcel was platted in 1995 as part of the Beaut Crest Estates Subdivision. The legal description indicated <br />that the back portion of land at 3412 Jamaca Avenue was owned by the developer of the Beaut Crest <br />Subdivision. The property owner of the small lot at 3412 Jamaca Avenue was not aware that he did not <br />own the land. The Planning Commission recommended approval based on the findings presented by the <br />City Planner. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Johnston - to adopt Resolution No. 96-26 Granting a Minor Resubdivision (lot line <br />adjustment) to Mark Ashby and Lester Van Sycoc based on the findings in the City Planner's report dated <br />September 3, 1996 and conditioned on the newly acquired property from Lot 10 by Van Sycoc being <br />combined with the present lot and no park dedication be required because a new lot is not being created. <br />(Motion passed 4-0). <br />Draft Amendment to OP Regulations: <br />Administrator Kueffner indicated if the City truly wants to "listen to the land" and retain our rural character, <br />and provide for perpetual open space, she felt the need for some flexibility to the standards. By allowing <br />this flexibility, the City would not have to go through unnecessary variance procedures for minimal <br />deviations from the strict interpretation of the ordinance. Kueffner provided two DRAFT ordinances for <br />Council review so the Council would be able to proceed with the two applications before them. <br />
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