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09-03-96 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
09-03-96 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES SEPTEMBER 3, 1996 <br />E. Case No. OPC/96-33 Open Space Concept Plan on 126 Acre parcel. Applicant: Robert Engstrom <br />See location in 8D. <br />Robert Engstrom presented an open space development for a 46 unit, mixed residential use subdivision <br />and preservation of approximately 55.7 acres of buildable land of which 45 acres will remain in <br />agricultural use. Some of the remaining open space will be prairie (3.7 acres), orchard (2.5 acres), open <br />field (3.5 acres) and a village common (1 acre). The 126 acre parcel is located west of Lake Elmo <br />Avenue north of the "Old Village". <br />Council member Johnston voiced her concern that some of the lots do not meet the minimum lot size <br />district requirements exclusive of the easement area. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Hunt - to approve Case No. OPC/96-33 Open Space Concept Plan on 126 acre parcel <br />presented by Robert Engstrom based on the findings presented along with a recommendation that the <br />preliminary plat be processed conditioned upon successful approval by the Council on the amendments <br />to the Open Space Ordinance which permits greater flexibility provided the intent of the ordinance is met. <br />(Motion passed 5-0). <br />F. PUBLIC HEARING: Case No. V/96-28 Variances for modification to an existing home at 10899 <br />32nd St. N. Applicant: Mike Downs <br />The public hearing notice was published in the August 2, 1996 Stillwater Gazette and the adjoining <br />property owners within 350' have been notified. The council received written responses from neighbors, <br />Colleen Osborne, G.H. Hays, Dan & Jill Martin, John & Deb Prokosch and Scott and Sara Knudson, <br />voicing no objection to the plans submitted by Mike Downs. <br />Mike Downs, 10899 32nd St. N., has proposed an expansion to the rear of the home, a second story <br />addition and an attached garage. The existing home is in need of major repairs and the existing septic <br />system is located on the lake side. The proposal includes replacing the septic system to the rear of the <br />home. <br />City Planner Terwedo reported the staff prepared a land use overview/lot size of the lots on the north <br />shore of Lake Elmo and the average lot size in this area is 26,357 sq.ft. This lot is one of the smallest <br />lots in the area. Most of the lots on the north shore were constructed as cabins prior to the zoning <br />regulations and the lots don't conform to the existing shoreland regulations. Based on the existing <br />shoreland regulations, Terwedo recommended denial of this proposal. <br />Molly Shodeen, DNR, reviewed the proposal and verbally commented she had no problems with the <br />proposal. Shodeen recommended additional trees be planted within the shoreline area. <br />M/S/P Conlin/Hunt - to approve the variances requested by Mike Downs, 10899 32nd St. N., based on <br />the findings according to the planner's report, with the conditions of approval that additional trees be <br />planted between the home and shoreline, the existing septic system shall be inspected while it is being <br />removed from the shoreline area, the septic system site shall be inspected and approved prior to issuing <br />a building permit and the existing garage be torn down. (Motion passed 4-1:DeLapp:no hardship was <br />provided by the applicant.) <br />G. Street Widths (Recommendations from Planning Commission) <br />At their August 26, 1996 meeting, the Planning Commission discussed street widths and recommended <br />the open space ordinance be amended to reduce the width of two-way streets from 26 feet to 24 feet <br />based on leaving room for snow storage. Council member DeLapp suggested the width of 22 feet. <br />Administrator Kueffner suggested that street widths be part of the increased flexibility when the Council <br />reviews each Open Space Development Plan. The proposal was acceptable to the City Council. <br />
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