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04-08-97 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
04-08-97 CCM
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APPROVED MINUTES: 5-6-97 <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP <br />APRIL 8, 1997 <br />Mayor John called the workshop to order at 6 p.m. in the council chambers. Members present: <br />Dunn, John, Conlin, DeLapp. Administrator Kueffner, City Engineer Prew. Paul Danielson, BRW <br />Absent: Councilor Hunt <br />1. AGENDA <br />Add: Update on Manning Avenue Connection, Update on Meeting with Baytown <br />M/S/P Dunn/Conlin -to approve the April 8, 1997 agenda as amended. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />2. IDEAL AVENUE UPGRADE:Paul Danielson, BRW, Inc. <br />Paul Danielson, Project Engineer for BRW Inc., presented a feasibility report for the CSAH 13 <br />Improvements Project. The design presented was a 50 MPH urban highway section with 2 lanes, <br />and a 6' wide shoulder in each direction. An 18' wide center median Is planned to accommodate <br />at left turns at TH 5 and 36th Street. A 10' wide walk is planned for the west side of the street. <br />Although this design certainly meets the traffic volumes projected for the street, the Council <br />would like to see a more imaginative design created. The primary concern is the speed traffic will <br />be traveling at as they continue north of 36th Street. North of 36th Street CSAH 13 is winding, <br />and has many driveways entering the road. The on -road trail is extensively used by the area <br />residents. The Council believes that traffic calming measures need to be used to slow the traffic <br />before it reaches this area. <br />Some traffic calming measures we would like reviewed include: lowering the design speed and <br />reducing the overall width of the road, using horizontal curves to break-up the sight lines, a wider <br />median area to give the street a parkway feel, and landscaping both the median area and in the <br />boulevards. <br />Other items the Council would like reviewed include extending the trail north to 40th Street to <br />connect with the existing trail system. Using a minimal amount of street lighting. Adding an off <br />road trail to the east side of the street. <br />Prew thought If all the parties involved approach this roadway design with some flexibility, a <br />functional and creative design can be achieved which will enhance this area of Oakdale and Lake <br />Elmo rather than detract from it. <br />Mr. Danielson will come back with the repsonses, possibly for the May 6th Council meeting. It <br />would be helpful to have one of Washington County's engineers at the meeting. <br />3. UPDATE ON MANNING AVENUE CONNECTION <br />Mayor John provided maps from Washington County on aRernative routes to connect Manning <br />Avenue between Highway 36 and the junction of Highway 5. The Council had concerns on the <br />impact to the wetlands and the attached cost. They proposed the County study a "do nothing" <br />proposal. <br />4. UPDATE ON MEETING WITH BAYTOWN <br />Mayor John and Administrator Kueffner reported on a meeting they attended with Baytown <br />Township. <br />The Council adjourned the meeting at 9:00 p.m. <br />
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