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Since we do not have time to discuss every point presented, it may seem that decisions are preconceived. <br />However, background information is provided for the City Council on each agenda item in advance from City Staff <br />and appointed Commissions; and decisions are based on this information and past experiences. In addition, some <br />items may also have been discussed at previous Council meetings. <br />If you are aware of information that hasn't been discussed, please fill out a "Request to Appear Before the <br />City Council" slip; or, if you came late, raise your hand to be recognized. Comments that are pertinent are <br />appreciated. Items requiring excessive time may be continued to another meeting. <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING <br />TUESDAY, September 16, 1997 <br />7:00 p.m. MEETING CONVENES <br />Pledge of Allegiance <br />I.AGENDA <br />2. MINUTES: September 2, 1997 <br />3. CLAIMS <br />7:15 4. PUBLIC INFORMATIONAUINOUIRIES: <br />7:20 5. CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT:. <br />7:25 6. PARKS/MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT/FIRE DEPARTMENT: <br />A. Stonegate Trail: Parks Commission recommendation on Phase III of Stonegate. <br />B. Stonegate Park Grading: Parks Recommendation <br />7:40 7. PLANNING, LAND USE & ZONING: <br />A.(1) Minor Subdivision: Richard Wicka/Frauenshuh Companies and the Northland Properties <br />c/o United Properties (George Burkard) <br />(2) Site and Plan Review: East Metro Health, 60,000 sq.ft. medial office building <br />B. Veterinarian Clinic Use in General Business, 3417 Lake Elmo Avenue, Zoning Use Determination <br />C. Final Plat, Tamarack Farm: Jon Whitcomb <br />D. Final Plat, The Hamlet of Sunfish Lake: Toby Schifsky <br />E. Use of Jamaca Avenue by Shafer Mining <br />F. Omission from code of driveway restriction in RE zoning District <br />G. Zoning Text Amendment, Shoreland Ordinance <br />H. Zoning Text Amendment, Lighting Ordinance <br />I. Other <br />8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: <br />9. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS: <br />10. CITY ATTORNEYS REPORT: <br />EXECUTIVE SESSION: Status Review on Municipal Board Litigation <br />11. CITY ADMINISTRATORS REPORT <br />A. Follow-up to 1998 Budget Workshop <br />B. Reimbursements for Fire Department runs to Lake Elmo Park Reserve <br />C. Other <br />12. ADJOURN <br />