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7.I Fiscal Analysis — Springsted. <br />City Planner Pung-Terwedo said is requesting an additional $1,870.00 be spent on another 14 <br />hours of fiscal analysis regarding the three land use options along the I-94 corridor. Currently, <br />the cost for the study is at $11,000.00. <br />The Council discussed the proposal and decided the additional expense was not warranted. <br />M/S/P Dunn/DeLapp — to not accept the $1,870.00 proposal from Springsted to further <br />study the fiscal analysis. <br />(Motion Passed 5-0). <br />8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS <br />8.A Study Team for future City Facilities: Lee Hunt <br />Councilor Hunt discussed the formation of a Facilities Study Team, which would be working in <br />phases; 1) inventory, 2) analysis, 3) create a capital improvement program. <br />Councilor Hunt introduced Mr. Onno VanDemmeltraadt, who will chair this volunteer <br />committee, and Mr. Jim Friend, Mr. Paul Hanson. Councilor Hunt will be the City Council <br />liaison to this newly formed study team. <br />M/S/P Dunn/Conlin — to create a volunteer City Facilities Study Team. <br />(Motion Passed 5-0). <br />8.11 Review and recommend changes to Policy for Animal Control (Cont. from 9/16/97). <br />Administrator Kueffner said she would be reviewing the City policy with Animal Control Officer <br />Mike Smith and would bring back to Council in about a month to 60 days. <br />9. CITY ATTORNEYS REPORT <br />City Attorney Filla commented on the status of the Municipal Board, and said Oak Park Heights <br />matter is scheduled for hearing November 24, 1997. LE/Baytown matters have been tabled until <br />December 5, 1997. The Judge should make a decision in January. <br />M/S/P Hunt/DeLapp --staff be directed to contact Baytown and draft a letter to the <br />Minnesota Municipal Board and request the Oak Park Heights annexation and the Lake <br />Elmo/Baytown orderly annexation issue be continued until after the Judge's decision. <br />(Motion Passed 5-0. <br />Mayor John's Report: Community Based Meetings, November 18, 1997 1-4:30 p.m. Century <br />College. Contacted by Steve Johnson, and he asked where the City was going with his case. <br />Attorney Filla said he met with Mr. Johnson's attorney and looked at maps and the deed, thought <br />last time council discussed, a study would be done to make a railroad right -of- way. The City <br />does have a section in code that indicates that zoning district boundaries do extend to the center <br />of streets and railroad right-of-ways. This particular piece of land could be separated into three <br />different zoning districts. Administrator Kueffner said due to the increased workload on staff, <br />this was not a high priority and it would be added to the work plan. <br />Lake Elmo City Council 10/21/97 <br />