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12-08-98 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
12-08-98 CCM
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MINUTES APPROVED: JANUARY 5, 1999 <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP <br />DECEMBER 8, 1998 <br />Mayor Hunt called the Council meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Council chambers. PRESENT: Hunt, <br />Armstrong, Dunn, Johnston, Maintenance Supervisor Olinger, Finance Director Banister and Administrator <br />Kueffner. ABSENT: Council member DeLapp. <br />1. PUBLIC HEARING: Proposed 1999 Budget <br />Finance Director Banister reported the total amount of the City's budget increased $156,915 in 1999 or <br />8.83% increase over 1998. The amount of tax dollars needed to run the City increased by $59,250 or <br />4.99% over 1998. <br />Taxes provide 65.5% of the budget <br />Building permits 15.5% <br />State & City Aids 13.7% <br />All Others 6.3% <br />The total tax dollar is divided as follows: Lake Elmo 16.70% <br />Washington County 23.72% <br />School Dist #834 51.86% <br />Misc. Others 7.72% <br />Mayor Hunt opened up the Public Hearing at 7:05 p.m <br />The City received a letter from Richard Johnson, 8896 Lake Jane Trail, which was read into the record. <br />Mr. Johnson indicated he had an opportunity to review the proposed budget for 1998 and is chagrined as to <br />the direction of this Council and City staff in matters of fiscal responsibility. The percent increases in <br />departmental budgets for 1999 over 1998 are far out of line and no way can they be justified. The increase <br />in development does not justify these high increases. Johnson asked that the Council reviews and prepares <br />the budget numbers with the responsibility it has of representing the taxpayers. <br />Dan Olinger, Maintenance Supervisor, explained the Public Works budget has increased because of the <br />seven new developments which increased sanding by 25%, increased time for plowing the narrow winding <br />roads, and the equipment used is aging. The narrow roads pose problems for equipment to make <br />turnarounds and pointed out Tamarack Farm as the worst development. Council member Armstrong shared <br />the Supervisor's concern on the narrow roads. She also thought the City had enough parks and suggested <br />the Council have a meeting with the Parks Commission. <br />Police Protection: The third Washington County Deputy will be at full City pay in Year 2000 and fourth <br />Deputy will be at full City pay in Year 2001. Administrator Kueffner estimated it costs the City <br />approximately $50,000 (includes cars, dispatch, etc.) a year per Deputy. <br />Legal Services: A concern was raised on legal services costing the City $80,000. This figure is not <br />separated into Criminal and Civil services. Criminal legal services average $3,800/month. The question <br />raised was why does the Attorney look at each individual case. <br />Mayor Hunt closed the public hearing at 7:30 p.m. <br />Mayor Hunt announced the City cannot approve and adopt the budget at this meeting, The budget and levy <br />will be approved at the Council Workshop meeting on December 14, 1998 at 5:30 p.m. <br />
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