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01-19-99 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
01-19-99 CCM
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The Council decided that the fence is an illegal use because it was not in compliance with the City's <br />regulation in 1997 and is not in compliance with the City's current regulations. The Ziertman's indicated <br />that the fence was installed as a protest of what they consider to is illegal construction on their neighbor's <br />property which they believe negatively impact them. The Council asked the Ziertman's to resubmit their <br />complaints so the City can insert them into the Complaint Log. <br />M/S/P Siedow/Dunn — that the City finds that the Ziertman fence was not in compliance with the City's <br />regulations in 1997 when installed and is not in compliance with the City's 1998 regulations, therefore, it is <br />an illegal use and should be removed by April 15, 1999. This date was set because the fence posts will be <br />difficult to remove due to the frost in the ground. (Motion 4-1:Dunn:The City should not be used for <br />personal squabbles.) <br />E. Legion Avenue 201 Lift Station <br />Maintenance Foreman, Dan Olinger; reported a problem with the Legion Avenue 201 Lift Station. Lametti <br />and Sons is the only company interested in repairing the system by installing a temporary pipe above <br />ground at a cost of $4,600 for time and material. This expense will come out of the $19,000 in the <br />Enterprise Fund. <br />M/S/P Siedow/DeLapp — to direct staff to proceed with installation of a temporary pipe above ground by <br />Lametti and Sons from Hugo, MN, at an estimate of $4,600 for time and materials. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />The Building Official received a request from a resident to hook up to the Legion Avenue 201 Lift Station. <br />The City Engineer responded that the system can handle the addition, but suggested waiting until the <br />permanent repairs are done to the lift station before the City considers the request. <br />7. CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT: <br />A. CSAI-I 17 Bike Trail <br />In his memo dated December 29,1998, Tom Prew felt that this possible link between the Tri-Lakes area and <br />the Old Village could be a vital part of the Old Village Plan. <br />No motion was made. The Council thanked the City Engineer for bringing this request to them, but wanted <br />to wait until the Village Plan was completed and then the City could look at a bike trail in an overall plan. <br />8. PLANNING, LAND USE & ZONING: <br />A. Resolution Adopting Application Fees/Escrows <br />The staff recommended a restructuring of the Fee Schedule related to Planning and Zoning City review <br />process. Planner Dillerud explained this proposal is based on inequities detected within the existing fee <br />structure; an effort to reduce the time consuming record keeping functions of the escrow system, and an <br />effort to fully compensate the City for P&Z review functions, and reduce the burden on the property tax in <br />the process. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Armstrong — to adopt Resolution No. 99-6 establishing application fees for Planning and <br />Zoning applications and to direct the Finance Director to set up a separate Revenue Account for Plat <br />Administrative Fees; and City invoicing of Administrative Fees for existing Development Agreements at <br />the 2% of construction cost rate, with credit for "pass through fees" paid to date. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />B. Preliminary Plat for Collopy Hills: Abbott/Friederichs <br />At its January 11, 1999 meeting, the Planning Commission adopted a recommendation for approval of this <br />preliminary plat to adjust an existing property line between two land parcels, currently 28 acres and 10 <br />acres in size, respectively. The Planning Commission also approved a Zoning Ordinance Variance to <br />permit a 5.28:1 length/width aspect ratio for proposed Lot 1, where the Zoning Ordinance requires a <br />maximum 3:1 aspect ratio. Planner Dillerud reported that upon plat approval, the parcel sizes would <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 19, 1999 <br />
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