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C. Contract with Colle, McVey for Public Relations Support for Consolidation <br />Administrator Kueffner received a draft contract proposal with Colle, McVey for public relations support <br />for the upcoming consolidation referendum and provided copies to the Council and City Attorney at the <br />meeting. The Council will review the contract and discuss it at the February 2id Council meeting. <br />D. Administrator Kueffner handed out the DRAFT plan for Merger Implementation for Lake <br />Elmo/Baytown Township. <br />The next Consolidation steering committee meeting is scheduled for January 21, 1999. <br />The Council adjourned the meeting at 10:30 p.m. <br />Respectfully submitted by Sharon Lumby, Deputy City Clerk <br />Resolution No. 99-5 Authorizing application and primary contact person for Lake Elmo/MnDot Partnership <br />Project on Highway 5 <br />Resolution No. 99-6 Establishing Application Fees for Planning and Zoning Applications <br />Resolution No. 99-7 Approving the Preliminary Plat for Collopy Hills, Abbott/Friederichs property <br />Resolution No. 99-8 Electing to continue participating in the local housing incentives account program <br />under the Metropolitan Livable Communities Act <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 19, 1999 <br />