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PAGE 3 <br />INVOICE <br />Coixim. No. 09150-99A <br />18. Old Villaae Water System: <br />K. Johnson 9.50 Hrs. @ 35.63 = <br />T. Prew 4.00 Hrs. @ 30.44 = <br />State of Minnesota ) <br />ss <br />County of Ramsey ) <br />338.49 <br />121.76 <br />460.25- x 2.75 = <br />1,265.69 <br />AMOUNT DUE $ 7,429.54 <br />Ray A. Andrews, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that the <br />foregoing account is just and true; and the services therein charged were <br />actually rendered and of the value therein charged, that the expenses <br />incurred were paid by the affiant and no part of the same has been paid. <br />Subscribed and sworn to before me, <br />a notary public, on this date <br />Oct o`-1�, 9 /J i q <br />TOLTZ, KING, DUVALL, ANDERSON <br />AND ASSOCIATES, INCORPORATED <br />