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CITY OF LAKE ELMO <br />CITY COUNCIL MINUTES <br />NOVEMBER 7, 2018 <br />CALL TO ORDER/PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE <br />Mayor Pearson called the meeting to order at 7.00Pin. <br />PRESENT: Mayor Mike Pearson and Councilmembers Justin Bloyer, Jill Lundgren and Christine <br />Nelson. ABSENT: Councilmember Fliflet <br />Staff present: Administrator Handt, City Attorney Sonsalla, City Engineer Griffin, Planner Prchal, <br />Finance Director Iverson and City Cleric Johnson. <br />APPROVAL OF AGENDA <br />Item 11, "9843 Whistling Valley and 9829 Whistling Valley Rd. Easement Vacation" was moved <br />to the consent agenda and item 12, "Cedar Pet Clinic CUP Amendment" was removed from the <br />agenda. <br />Councilmember Bloyer, seconded by Mayor Pearson moved TO APPROVE THE AGENDA AS <br />AMENDED. Motion passed 4 — 0. <br />ACCEPT MINUTES <br />Minutes of the October 16, 2018 Regular Meeting were approved as presented. <br />Virginia Pleban, 8245 59th Street North, thanked Councilmember Lundgren for her efforts on the <br />City Council and encouraged people to be nice. <br />George Johnson commented on the upcoming Buckthorn Festival and thanked businesses for <br />their participation. <br />Tony Manzara encouraged residents to attend the Buckthorn Festival. <br />PRESENTATIONS <br />None <br />CONSENT AGENDA <br />2. Approve Payment of Disbursements and Payroll <br />3. Accept Yd Quarter Financial Reports <br />