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CITY OF LAKE ELMO <br />CITY COUNCIL MINUTES <br />JANUARY 29, 2019 <br />CALL TO ORDER <br />Mayor Pearson called the special meeting to order at 6:30 pm. <br />PRESENT: Mayor Mike Pearson and Councilmembers Justin Bloyer, Christine Nelson, Dale <br />Dorschner and Lisa McGinn <br />Staff present: Administrator Handt, City Engineer Griffin, Attorneys Jim Thomson and Doug <br />Shaftel <br />CLOSED SESSION <br />Motion by Bloyer, seconded by McGinn to go into closed session pursuant to Minnesota <br />Statutes, Section 13D.05, Subd. 3(b) to discuss matters protected by attorney -client privilege <br />pertaining to the city's pending lawsuit in federal court against 3M. Motion carried. <br />Motion by Bloyer, seconded by Nelson to return to open session. Motion carried. <br />Meeting adjourned at 8:09 pm. <br />ATTEST: <br />Jul tJAnson, ity lerk <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL <br />Mike Pearson, Mayor <br />