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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES <br />AUGUST 20, 2019 <br />Councilmember Dorschner, seconded by Councilmember McGinn, moved TO AMEND THE <br />PRIMARYMOTIONBYRE-INSERTING 97.21(B)(2) RELATED TO HIGHT WATER <br />CONDITIONS. Motion failed 2 — 3. (Pearson, Bloyer, Nelson — nay) <br />Councilmember Moyer, seconded by Councilmember Nelson, moved TO AMEND THE <br />PRIMARYMOTIONBY STRIKING ORDINANCE 08-228. Motion failed 2 — 3. <br />(Dorschner, McGinn, Nelson — nay) <br />Primary motion passed 3 — 2. (Dorschner, McGinn — nay) <br />ITEM 14: Carmelite Hermitage (8249 Demontreville Trail) Variance for Access for Chapel <br />Planning Director Roberts reviewed the application for a variance to allow access to a new <br />chapel, noting driveway locations and access points. Reverend John Burns provided history of <br />the property and commented on traffic and visitors coming to the chapel. Discussion was also <br />held concerning construction traffic. <br />Kevin Conley, 15551 N. Hillcrest Ct., Eden Prairie, commented on traffic and potential negative <br />impact during retreats. <br />David Murphy, 279 Lily Pond Ln., Vadnais Heights, stated silence is critical during retreats. <br />Jim Slagel, 1125 Davern St., St. Paul, stated that the access road is used during retreat days and <br />opposes increased traffic. <br />Eric Lipman, 8249 Deer Pond Ct. N. urged the Council to approve the recommendations of the <br />Planning Commission. <br />Diane Diana Meier, 4731 Birchbark Tr., expressed support for the Carmelite's chapel. <br />Stenve Senger, 8628 Ironwood Tr. N., asked the Council to deny the request due to traffic <br />concerns. <br />Father McCorkell, 8243 Demontreville Tr., stated opposition to the request due to traffic <br />concerns. <br />Tim Keane, 60 S. Wh St., Minneapolis, spoke on behalf of his client, the Jesuit Retreat Center, <br />stating the variance is illegal and the easement does not allow access. <br />Jim Curran, 3158 32nd Ave., Minneapolis, stated that the Jesuit retreat need quiet and asked the <br />Council to deny the application. <br />Page 3 of 5 <br />