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Name Page count Template name
Resolution 2015-27 Approving Municipal Consent Phase II for Downtown Street and Utility Project[Icon] 1
Resolution 2015-28 Approving a Variance for Sign at 8515 Eagle Point Blvd[Icon] 2
Resolution 2015-30 Restricting Parking along Laverne Ave[Icon] 1
Resolution 2015-31 Approving a Final Plat for Hunters Crossing 2nd Addition[Icon] 3
Resolution 2015-32 Setting a Public Hearing on a Vacation[Icon] 2
Resolution 2015-33 Approving the Developers Agreement for Hunters Crossing 2nd Addition[Icon] 1
Resolution 2015-34 Approving a Final Plat for the Village Preserve Residential Subdivision[Icon] 3
Resolution 2015-35 Municipal Concurring Resolution Tranfering Hwy 5 from MNDOT to Wash Co[Icon] 1
Resolution 2015-36 Accepting the Bids and Awarding a Contract for the 2015 Seal Coat Project[Icon] 1
Resolution 2015-37 Approving a Minor Subdivision of Outlot A, Eagle Point Business Park 3rd Addition[Icon] 2
Resolution 2015-38 Approving Master Subscriber Agmt for MN Court Data Services[Icon] 1
Resolution 2015-39 Receiving Feasibility Report for the Old Village Phase I Street and Utility Improvements and Calling for a Public Hearing[Icon] 1
Resolution 2015-40 Approving Final Plat and Final PUD for Inwood[Icon] 3
Resolution 2015-41 Approving the Developers Agreement for Inwood ‎(Phase 1)‎[Icon] 1
Resolution 2015-43 Vacating a Portion of Public Park Land[Icon] 3
Resolution 2015-44 Vacating a Portion of Public Park Land[Icon] 2
Resolution 2015-46 Appoving Plans and Specs and Ordering Advertisements for Bids for Eagle Point Blvd Street and Utility Improvements[Icon] 1
Resolution 2015-47 Approving the Developers Agreement for the First Phase of Village Preserve[Icon] 1
Resolution 2015-48 Related to 2014 Year End Closure Audit to Washington County[Icon] 1
Resolution 2015-50 Ordering Improvements for Old Village Phase 1 Street and Utility Improvements and Providing Municipal Concurrence for Wash Co to Award a Contract[Icon] 1
Resolution 2015-51 Accepting the Water System Infrastructure Grant from the State of MN Capital Improvement Appropriations[Icon] 1
Resolution 2015-52 Approving the Developers Agreement for the Eastern Village Trunk Sewer and Watermain Project[Icon] 1
Resolution 2015-53 Denying a Zoning Text Amendment to Amend the City Sign Code[Icon] 2
Resolution 2015-54 Designating Citys Data Practices Official[Icon] 1
Resolution 2015-56 Lennar Diedrich Preliminary Plat Res 2015-056 ‎(2)‎[Icon] 3
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