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CITY OF LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES <br />MARCH 17, 2015 Mayor Pearson called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. <br />PRESENT: Mayor Mike Pearson and Council Members Julie Fliflet, and Jill Lundgren. <br />Staff present: City Attorney Chris Johnson, Community Development Director Klatt, City Engineer Griffin, Finance Director Bendel, and City Clerk Bell. <br />PLEDGE OF ALLIGENCE <br />APPROVAL OF AGENDA <br />Lundgren noted item 9 Item 9 Postponed by applicant. Pull Item 6. Pearson pull item 8 <br />MOTION: Lundgren moved TO APPROVE THE MARCH 17, 2015 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA AS PRESENTED. Council Member Fliflet seconded the motion. <br />ORIGINAL MOTION PASSED 3-0. <br />COUNCIL REPORTS: <br />Mayor Pearson: attended public safety committee mtg. gateway corridor mtg. parks mtg. parks asked to <br />empowered in village planning. Tabled agenda items in protest over CA vote. meet the mayor Hagberg’s 3/18 at 7AM <br />Council Member Fliflet: council workshops not being taped. Explained the nature of workshops and her reasoning why she opposed it; addressed the response from public regarding the City Administrator vote. <br />GET STATEMENTS FROM JF. <br />Council Member Lundgren: met with commissioner Kriesel; attended workshop on farmer’s market. Attendee safety and fire relief meetings; addressed the response from public regarding the City Administrator <br />vote. <br />Mayor Pearson responded to council reports. Was going to respond that… <br />Responded to workshop taping. Objected to way <br />The rescheuling of the Administrator’s review was <br />PUBLIC COMMENTS/INQUIRIES (36ish attendants) <br />Margaret “Teddy” Carlson, 8735 27th. Street, spoke about council transparency. Asked Council members <br />Council Member Fliflet responded that her point was that the public forum was not the appropriate forum. <br />Dave Dorschner, 3150 Lake Elmo Ave, very passionate about the council vote issue. Noted his kids will be <br />4th generation Lake Elmo resident. Took issue with the way campaign pledges have been carried out; asserted <br />that Mr. Zuleger would not be looking for somewhere else to work if environment was better. Spoke about why employees leave positions. <br />Dave Moore, 8660 Stillwater Blvd, has attended every meeting since new Council seated. He spoke about the numerous 3-2 votes. Questioned that the <br />Lundgren noted that there have been non-3-2 votes <br />Mike Reeves, found Fliflet’s opening statements demeaning. … questioned why the council would favor letting the CA leave rather than … urged council to reconsider <br />Milt Klohn, 8716 Ironwood Trail, … asked about the old village workgroup. Email names, authority spend money? Wants to attend next mtg. <br />Tammy Malmquist, asked about previous review process and <br />Rita Conlin, noted that council is dealing with an educated public and knows what workshops involve. Asked what measures were taken to address any employment issues requested that council members <br />Jim Leonard, respect job they have and decisions they have to make. Has 300 employees in Lake Elmo. <br />Asserted that the desire to remove dean was known prior to election. hasn’t spoke to city since 2005. Commended dean for his accomplishments and asked council to reconsider.