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CITY OF LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES <br />APRIL 7, 2015 Mayor Pearson called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. <br />PRESENT: Mayor Mike Pearson and Council Members Julie Fliflet, Anne Smith, Justin Bloyer, and Jill Lundgren. <br />Staff present: City Administrator Zuleger, City Attorney Snyder, Community Development Director Klatt, <br />City Engineer Griffin, Assistant City Engineer Stempski, Finance Director Bendel, and City Clerk Bell. <br />PLEDGE OF ALLIGENCE <br />APPROVAL OF AGENDA <br />MOTION: Council Member Fliflet moved TO PULL ITEM 6 FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA FOR DISCUSSION AND POSTPONE ITEMS 9, 10, 13, 14, 16, 18, AND 19 TO NEXT MEETING. <br />Council Member Smith seconded the motion. <br />Community Development Director Klatt explained why some of the development items were time-sensitive. It was explained that Council Member Fliflet previously made a request to not have a long agenda. The <br />Council addressed each item’s agenda placement separately. Postpone Item 9: MOTION PASSED 4-1 (BLOYER – NAY) <br />Postpone Item 10: MOTION PASSED 3-2 (PEARSON AND BLOYER – NAY) Postpone Item 13: MOTION PASSED 3-2 (PEARSON AND BLOYER – NAY) Postpone Item 14: MOTION PASSED 3-2 (PEARSON AND BLOYER – NAY) <br />Postpone Item 16: MOTION PASSED 4-1 (BLOYER – NAY) Postpone Item 18: MOTION PASSED 3-2 (PEARSON AND BLOYER – NAY) Postpone Item 19: MOTION PASSED 3-2 (PEARSON AND BLOYER – NAY) <br />Council Member Bloyer asked that Item 17 be postponed. There was no opposition. <br />MOTION: Council Member Fliflet moved TO APPROVE THE APRIL 7, 2015 CITY COUNCIL <br />AGENDA AS AMENDED. Council Member Smith seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED 3-2 (PEARSON AND BLOYER – NAY). <br />ITEM 1: ACCEPT MINUTES <br />THE MARCH 10, 2015 SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MINUTES WERE APPROVED AS PRESENTED BY CONSENSUS. <br />THE MARCH 17, 2015 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES WERE APPROVED AS PRESENTED BY <br />CONSENSUS. <br />COUNCIL REPORTS: <br />Mayor Pearson: Met with Metro Transit and local property owner regarding potential Park and Ride; met with Washington County and staff on property acquisition for downtown stormwater improvement; attended meeting regarding property acquisition for water tower; met with staff to discuss 39th Street difficulties; <br />congratulated Mike Reeves on appointment to County Library Board. He believes it will be beneficial to both County and City; he addressed the previous comments from the public regarding council actions and <br />suggested that Council reconsider HR Committee appointments. He also believes that the current conflicts the Council is experiencing are not due to the issue of growth. He stated that contrary to some assertions he would be happy to call for a special election if there was a change of Council make-up. He again suggested <br />that meetings be recorded. Due to Council response, he believes the status of the Administrator is settled. <br />Council Member Fliflet: no report <br />Council Member Smith: no report. <br />Council Member Bloyer: spoke about changes to the Source. As he did not get chance to have the thanks published, he commended Alyssa Macleod for her service; he explained his called for Smith to step down. He <br />considers current environment at City to be hostile. He alleged witnessing abuses of power, and stated he disagreed with assertion of no complaints having been filed. City Attorney Snyder reminded Council that if employee matters are to be discussed, it is best to do it as a separate agenda item. Council Member Bloyer <br />called for a full investigation on the status of employee complaints.