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CITY OF LAKE ELMO <br />CITY COUNCIL MINUTES <br />DECEMBER 20, 2016 <br />CALL TO ORDER/PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE <br />Mayor Pearson called the meeting to order at 7. 00pm. <br />PRESENT: Mayor Mike Pearson and Councilmembers Julie Fliflet, Anne Smith, Justin Bloyer, <br />and Jill Lundgren. <br />Staff present: Administrator Handt, City Attorney Sonsalla, City Engineer Griffin, Finance <br />Director Bendel, Planning Director Wensman, and City Clerk Johnson. <br />APPROVAL OF AGENDA <br />Councilmember Smith, seconded by Councilmember Lundgren moved TO APPROVE THE <br />AGENDA. <br />Councilmember Bloyer, seconded by Mayor Pearson, moved TO AMEND THE PRIMARY <br />MOTION BY POSTPONING ITEM 18, "APPROVE EMPLOYEE BENEFIT <br />EMPLOYER/BMPLOYEE COST SHARE POLICY," TO A FUTURE MEETING. Motion <br />passed 3 — 2. (Fliflet, Smith — nay) <br />Mayor Pearson, seconded by Councilmember Bloyer, moved TO AMEND THE PRIMARY <br />MOTION BY POSTPONING ITEM 30, "EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK," TO A FUTURE <br />AGENDA. Motion passed 3 — 2. (Pearson, Bloyer — nay) <br />Councilmember Bloyer, seconded by Mayor Pearson, moved TO POSTPONE ITEM 20, <br />"APPROVE OPEN GOV" TO A FUTURE MEETING. Motion failed 1— 4. (Pearson, Fliflet, <br />Lundgren, Smith — nay) <br />Administrator Handt added "Thank You to Councilmember Smith" under Presentations. <br />Primary motion to approve the agenda as amended passed 3 - 2. (Pearson, Bloyer — nay) <br />ACCEPT MINUTES <br />Minutes of the November 15, 2016 Regular Meeting were accepted as presented. <br />PUBLIC COMMENTS/INQUIRIES <br />Dave Moore, 8680 Stillwater Boulevard N., questioned why the Maintenance Advisory <br />Committee was not asked to review the plow truck purchase and commented on the parking lot <br />access at Fire Station 1. <br />Barry Weeks, 3647 Lake Elmo Avenue, commented on the length of the Council Meeting <br />Agenda and noted that in past years the agendas were not as long. <br />PRESENTATIONS <br />