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11-07-58 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
11-07-58 CCM
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Minutes of Village Council meeting held Nov. 7, 1958. All pre:�ent. <br />Minutes of meeting held Oct.8, 1958 were read and approved as read. <br />Committee Reports: <br />Streets: Truste Ebne reported that he had purchased 30 pieces <br />of 15 inch used tile from the Metropolitan Airports Com., <br />at $3.00 per piece, a total of 490.00. he also reported <br />that Carl Olinger would do the sanding and snow plowing with <br />a guarantee of §200.00 and ¢I.50 per hour over that amount. <br />The laying of the culvert purchased from the Met. Airports Com., <br />between the hefron and Donovan property was discussed. A Motion <br />was then made and seconded to give Trustee Ebne the authority <br />to have Carl Olinger haul the fill dirt in the ditch between <br />Hefron and Donovan and then have the culvert laid. Motion Carried. <br />Easement to be secured frt.m hefron and Donovan to lay the culvert <br />across their property. he was also instructed to have the <br />broxen street signs repaired. <br />Public Safety: Trustee Lornfeld reported that there was very little <br />disturbance in the Village on Halloween night. he also reportea <br />that a new siren had been placed on the fire hall and that it <br />was satisxactory. <br />Parks and Plays_rounds: Trustee Krongard reported that U .R. haseley <br />had leveled off the hockey and skating rins. That he had interviewed <br />the P. T. A. about helping supervise the rinks and also some financial <br />aid. After a discu:=sicn pro and con they decided to bring this matter <br />up at their board meeting about supervision of the skating rinK, and <br />the possibility to hire suoervision. Also reported that there had <br />been a small fire at the warming house. Clerk to find out about in- <br />surance on the warming house. <br />Twin Cities <br />Letter read from the Metropolitan Planning Commission <br />about Block Census Statistics. Let-_er was filed with no action taken. <br />Also let�,er received from Twin Cities metropolitan Planning <br />Commission with Metropolitan Area Growth map was ordered ,filed. <br />Mayor Urtel reported that he had received an invitation from <br />the Metropolitan Planing Commission to a luncheon meeting Nov. 13, <br />1958 at 6:30 P.M. Mayor to interview members of the council that wished <br />to attend this luncheon and meeting. <br />Letter received from Minn. Veterans Day Committee suggesting <br />a Veterans Day Celebration Nov. 11, 1'058 was read, a -id ordered filed. <br />A report was received from Art Schneider, Joseph Krongard and <br />R. A. Lohmann, Judges, and Ben Lohmann and Arthur A. Gelderman, Clerics <br />of the Village Election held Lvov. 4tn, 1958 that the following named <br />persons were elected at said election: Robert i. Dennis, Trustee for <br />3 years; Gilbert Meyer, Treasurer for 2 years; Donald Mehsikomer, clerk <br />for 2 years; Willard Eder, Constable for 2 years; Earl G oerss and Bruce <br />Abercrombie, Justices of the Peace, for term of 2 years; Luella haseley <br />Assessor for 2 _years. <br />The returns of said Judges and. ClerKs of said election were <br />-thereupon canvassed, and the result was as follows: <br />I~or Trustee: Robert E. Dennis, 231 votes <br />Ernst Koch, 3 do <br />E. A. Beutel 1 do <br />Ernest IdiechelKe 1 do <br />i <br />�r <br />
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