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Minutes of Village Council meeting meld Dec. 2, 1958 at 8 P.M. All <br />Present. <br />Minutes of council meeting held Nov. 7, 1y58 were read and approved <br />as read. <br />The newly elected GlerK Donald Mehsikomer attended the meeting. <br />Committee reports: <br />Streets, Trustee Ebne reported that broKen street signs had been <br />replaced, and that 60 feet of culvert had been laid between the Heiron <br />and Donovan property. <br />Paris and Playgro_inds: Trustee Krongard reportea tilat the <br />would help with the supervision at -L.he skating rims to the extent of <br />$75.00, and that ire talked with Elmer Dittman taking charge of the super- <br />vision, and that he had informed him that he wou.Ld do it for �2UU.UU <br />forthe season. Trustee Kron.;ara to discuss this further witi: Elmer Ditt- <br />man. Fie also reported that the Lions Club had bought 60 cedar posts for <br />t_.e rink to put the boards on. <br />Public Safety: Ne report. <br />*Jlliam Marty who is collecting the garba6e and rubtish attended the <br />meetini= and reported that he rad 46 customers that he was collecting <br />from, and tL at he could not continue with that number of stops as the <br />income not enough. he would continue collecting until Christmas <br />as had been agreed when he started the collecting_ last spring. It <br />was decided that all residents in the village would be contacted by <br />mail to get their views and try to get more of the residents interested <br />in this service. m de bb <br />It was decided that we should accept the offer PY Robert Mundt <br />it achristmas tree for the Village, and that the constable <br />arrange to get the tree. <br />An application for an On Sale Liquor License with Surety Eond of <br />43000.00 written by the Sgf eguard Insurance Company with a quarterly <br />license fee or 0125.00 was presented by Agonia I. Anderson. A Iu;otic.n <br />was then made by Trustee Krongard and seconded by Tr-xstee Ebne, Lhat <br />the application and bond. be approved, and that on On Sale Liquor Li- <br />cense be granted to Agonia I. Anderson from Jan. 1st, 1959 to Dec. 31st <br />1959. Motion carried. <br />An application for an Off` Sale Liquor Licenses with Surety Bond <br />for .ip1000.00 written by Safeguard Insurance Company and a license fee <br />$100.0U was presented by Agonia I. Anderson. Motion was then made by <br />Trustee Trustee Ebne and Seconded by Trustee Krongard, that the appli- <br />cation and bond be ap:=roved, and that an Oil Sale Liquor license be <br />granted to Agonia I. Anderscn from Jan. 11 1959 to Dec. 31st, 19591 <br />subject to approval by the Liquor Control 601rmissic.ner. Motion carried. <br />An application for an On Sale Liquor License with Surety B�.nd of <br />,$3000.UU written by the St. Paul fire and Marine Insurance Co., and the <br />quarterly license fee of 0125.UU was presented by Leonard vuier. A Motion <br />was then made by Trustee Dorn]eld and seconded by Trustee Krongard, that <br />the application and bond be approved, and that an On Sale Liquor License <br />be granted to Leonard Wier from Jan. 11 1959 to Dec. 31, 1959. iYictic_n <br />unanimously adopted. <br />An application for an Off Sale Liquor License with Surety bond <br />for 01000.uU written by the St. Paul Pir•e and Marine InsurancMoti�n�was <br />and a license fee of lUU.UU was presented by Leonard Trustee Ebne.thdI ti_e <br />then made by Trustee Krongard and Seconded by <br />application and bend be approved, and ttiat an Off Sale Liquor Li- <br />eense be grcLnted to Leonard Wier from Jan. 1, 1959 to Dec. 31, 1959, <br />subject to approval by the Liquor Control Commissioner. IvIoticn unani- <br />mously adopted (over) <br />