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Minutes. of Village Council held June 3, 1958 at 8 P.M. <br />All present. <br />Minutes of meeting held. May 6, 1958 were read and approved <br />as read. <br />COMMITTEE REPORTS: <br />Public Safety: Trustee Dornield stated that he talked to <br />Mr.YX Palank about his complaint on water draining from 6esterman <br />property. he also reported that Myron Schneider was making a cess- <br />pool to step wash water from running over adjacent property and Ray <br />Nagberg was putting in a new cesspool. Bldg. Inspector to inspect <br />the hatchery building. <br />Park and Playgrounds: 'Trustee Krongard reported that the paper <br />at the warming house was unusable, and that he had informed the Luther <br />League to burn and dispose of the paper. he had the grass cut at the <br />ball park by Gilbert Nietzke. <br />Streetts: 'Trustee Ebne reported that Gilbert Gordon had cleaned <br />gutters and patched the black top. <br />Constable Haseley was present at the meeting and presented anc <br />filed his oath of office and personal surety bond in the amount of <br />T500.00 signed by hii1self, and Raymond A. Ande,•son and R. J. l urseth <br />as sureties. Upon motion made and seconded the bond and the sureties <br />thereon was approved and ordered tiled. Motion carrieo. <br />Peter Durand presented an application for Cigarette License <br />from May 1, 1958 to Nov. 1, 1958 with gee of 46.00. UpOn motion <br />made and seconded the Application was approved and license granted <br />him for the period from May 1, 1958 to Nov. 1, 1958.` Motion carried. <br />The matter of placin,-, 15 minute parking at the post office wa.e <br />discussed. Motion made and second that Trustee Ebne secure a 15 minute <br />parking sign to be place at the post office. Motion carried. <br />Clerk informed the council that the Equalization Board would <br />meet June 18, 1958 from 7:30 to 9 P.NI., at his office. <br />Motion was made and seconded that we char.,_.e outside contractors <br />0 .50 per copy of Building Ordinance. Motion carr•ieo. <br />Trustee Ebne presented a letter from Mrs. Leonard Neiger, <br />to the <br />was discussed, for and clerngto inf'ormrherushatnno trailerlhouseshwouldter <br />be <br />was discussed, <br />permitted in the village. <br />Invitation to League of Minn. Municipalities 0 convention at <br />Mp ls., from Mayor Peterson of City of Mpls., received and ordered filed.. <br />Letter of Invitation to Civil llefense Meeting June 5 at <br />XLajxxJxx Wayzata received. Mayor -urtel to attend this meeting. <br />Fire cChief Henning presented bills f or= Tire Dept. Also re- <br />ported in P- ire Siren, that a 2h P . siren was not big enough, and that a <br />5HP. siren would cost 4560.00. Trustee Dornield to confer with Walter <br />Larson, Uhairman of the 'Down Board as to the advisiability to purchase <br />such a siren. <br />The bills were presented:. Nor. States Po*er Co., May Street Lights §64�17 <br />17 <br />00 <br />do May Park Lights 4.03 <br />Do Fire Dept. <br />Co. 80 Copies of Bldg. Ord. 21. 15.00 <br />Zolier Printing , A <br />St.Paul Stamp 'v orks, 60 Brass Dog License &, Ri vpVER)8'48 <br />