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riflage of �Uht `�Zfmn <br />INnoltingtnn &unfg <br />`gake ` zfma, 'einne0atn <br />T,Ti_ Lited of a. ,pecial meeti_n,- June 30, 1961 v;,i th the Vil Iage Coun.Cil_ <br />and the Town Board. <br />Town Board vTayna:rd Eder, Butch Schiltgen, and John Day. <br />Village Council. Robert Dennis. .Roy Do.rnfeld, Tiloyd Ebne, Louis <br />17rte-1 and Donald 1'd1eh9i'1-.omer <br />Legal Council Rod Lanxson <br />Fi--remen Bud 3chnei.der, Ben Frei-drich <br />The following proposal. was approved to get the now fire engine <br />program into effect. <br />1.The sinking; fund would continue to exist with a minimum <br />of 3500 and a Maximum of 32500. any amount over $2500 would <br />be applied to operating expense. <br />2.P.resent sinking fund over $'500 to be used for new engine <br />with a 3- 1 split. <br />3.3urplus in operating budgeta.t end of year to be prorated <br />and applied ag inst current operating expense. This -to be evel- <br />ueted at the end. of the calender ye+r. <br />¢.l+ire board will consist of three men. One from the township <br />one from the village and one from the fire dep(..rtment. The fire <br />department member would be a non voting member. If vote on .-,.ny <br />action resulted in e, tie matter would be considered at a joint <br />meeting of the town board and the village council. Fire board <br />to have approval to spend up to P500. Over ;)500 would require <br />approval of both government bodies. This covers purchases which <br />come out of the sinking :fund. <br />5. Contract for 1961 would show both opera.t_ing expense and <br />capital_ e-:pense paid at a. 5-1 ratio. <br />Respectfully submitted. <br />Donald Mehsikome.r <br />V:i_il.age clerk <br />