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Wa*12ington (9ounI}T <br />'Nolte �ElmO. AhTYTP%vfa <br />June 6, 1961 Meeting of the ake Elmo Village Council <br />Roy Dornfeld, hloyd Ebne, and. Donald Meksikomer. <br />Roy Dornfeld acting as assist8nt to the mayor called the meeting <br />to order at 7:15 PM. <br />Trustee Il.oyd Ebne reported that the streets had been cleaned <br />but as yet no invoice had been. received. <br />Trustee Roy Dornfeld requested the clerk to draw up a formal bid <br />to cover the tennis court, the small skating rink with a dry — <br />well in the cente.r,leveling off of the large skating rink to make <br />it suitaltle :for flooding this fall, and a selection of trees to <br />be planted on the village playgrounds. <br />Clerk Mehsikomer reported that the tax assessment meeting was <br />scheduled for the 20th of June 1961 from 1:30 to 3:30 PM. Both <br />he and Mayor tirtel planned to attend this meeting. <br />C1ekk Mehsi.komer reported that the Johnson Brothers had complained <br />about their real estate tax and that a request was obtained from. <br />County Assessor Dewey Ke.lson. This request was deli-verdd to Mr. <br />Johnson early in May but to date this 'request had not been re— <br />turned so that no action could be taken. Any further action would <br />have to be initiated by the 'Elmo Spec=i.altiea.. <br />Clerk reported that a letter had been received from a decorating firm <br />relative to Christmas decorations. Clerk was instructed to write <br />to this concern to get detals. <br />After some discussion it was decided to offer 1500.00 for the <br />propertyto be used f"r the well for the village water system. <br />A request for a 3.2 ON and OFF sale license was received from <br />:Gen. Weir (Twin Point). motion by trustee Roy Dornfeld second by <br />trusteeliloyd Ebne to grant license. Carried 3--0. <br />After some discussion the clerk was instructed to write the Town <br />Board and advise them that June 2091961 was the deadline for <br />purchase of the fire truck. After this date the offer would be <br />withdrawn. <br />The council also considered the fq_re department sinking fund and <br />are of the opinion that it should continue to be a standard part <br />of fire department finances. <br />The following bills were presented for payment. <br />Northern States Power Cb. Village 81.06 <br />it if if it Fire Dept. 19.75 <br />Otto Naatz 14.00 <br />Gopher Stamp and Die 13.50 <br />