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Vilta#e of 6 'PM0 <br />91UN04ington (9virntLI <br />'gahe '�Ztnta' Aixntesu## <br />Minutes of Meeting of Village Council August 1, 1961. <br />Louis Ertel,Roy Dorn:feld,Robert Den"is,Ll.oyd Bbne,&Don Uehsikomer <br />Meeting called to order at 8:30 PM. by Mayor Ertel <br />Clerk Mehsikomer was _i.nstructed to set up a special meeti_n;•with <br />legal council for Wednesday August 9 to discuss the waterworks. <br />Fire chief Al advised that the following men had asked <br />to join the fire department! Harvey Ma', Larry Catlin, & <br />Peter Schiltgen. <br />Motion by Robert Dennis second by Don Meh.sikome.r that these <br />men be accepted by the fire department. Carried 4--0. <br />Representatives of Elmo Specialties were on hand to discuss the <br />tax problem for real estate for their company. They were advised <br />to make their application direct to the county assessors office. <br />The application would then be returned to the Village board of <br />review to determine if they were in agreement on any reduction. <br />Representatives of Elmo Specialties would look into this .immed— <br />iately since it would have to be presented to the state board of <br />review early in September. <br />Trustee :Lloyd Ebne advised that streets had been graded and t%, <br />weeds along culverts etc had been cut. <br />Clerk to obtain heavy paper from Mayor Ertel and make up :the <br />"zing" so that the crosswalk on Highway 212 could be repainted <br />and the new wording also painted on the highway. <br />Trustee Ebne asked what rate of pay should be given tonthe men <br />that painted the stipes for parking and was advised that the <br />labor rate for the village was 431.75. <br />Fire Chief Al Henning asked what action the village recommended <br />relative to the fire engine. He was advised to let matters sit <br />as they are and let the next move come from mast Oakdale. <br />Trustee Roy Dornfeld advised that the playground equipment was <br />now installed; further the blacktop for the tennis court would <br />be in this week. The sire of the court was increased from 78' x <br />36' to 86' x 361,. The additional area would cost 250 per sq. <br />ft. or a total. of P90.00 <br />The various plots for <br />decision to consider <br />Offers were: <br />The Reibe plot is 205 <br />233 ft 'eldest. <br />possible locations were considered and a <br />the lowest offer. <br />Schiltgen $5000.00 <br />Brookman's 2500.00 <br />Re i_be 1000.00 <br />ft.North,2.92.6 East, 194.56 South, and <br />