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VILLAGE OF RAKE ELMO <br />June 13r 1962 <br />Minutes of the Village Council Meeting: <br />Meeting called to order at 7:15PM by Mayor Urtel: <br />Present: Urtel, Ebne,Carlson,Dornfeldt and Mehsikomer. <br />George Reseman was on hand to register a complaint tegarding the <br />hydrant that split his two lots of property. After listening to <br />his comments it was agreed to move the hydrant to the weft edge <br />of his property. <br />r The following letter was submitted for approval to be delivered to <br />l each residence in Lake Elmo for personal action. "Dear Property <br />Owner: Construction of the Lake Elmo water main is due to begin <br />the week of June 11, 1962. The contract inclmdes running of services <br />to the curb liner or property line,, of every potential water user in <br />the village. This service will then be available to serve your <br />property whether you choose to convert to the Village Water System <br />www this year or in the future. The location of this service <br />to your curb or property line may be placed anywhere along the water <br />main in the street fronting your property. We have provided you <br />with a stake which we would like you to place in your yard near the <br />property line giving us the approximate location of where you wish <br />your water service to eventually enter your home. <br /> service should, generally, convert to your plumbing sys- <br />temwhere your existing well feeds the system. The most direct line <br />from. there to the street is, therefore, the ideal_ location. <br />Construction is scheduled -to begin on the west side of town, south <br />of the railroad tracks, 'then proceed south on Lake Elmo Road, <br />thence to the area north of the railroad. Your cooperation <br />during construction, and in the location of the services, will be <br />greatly appreciated. Please excuse any inconvenience caused you by <br />the construction. Signed BANISTER ENGINEERING. <br />Motion by Carlson second by Dornfeld that this letter be approved. <br />Carried 4-0. <br />Motion by Dornfeld second by Ebne that the service or main on Park <br />Drive terminate at the Southwest corner rather than making the <br />complete circle. It would be only on the west street. Carried 4-0. <br />Minutes from JChe May 9 and May 23, 1962 meetings read and approved. <br />Committee reports: Police and Safety. Motion by Mehsikomer second <br />by Dornfeld that the Village authorize the Fire Department to ex- <br />pend from the regular fire department budget the money for legal <br />fees to set up a Firemens Relief Association. Carried 4-0. <br />The Fire department would get approval from East Oakdale before <br />expending any money. <br />Clerk instructed to order 100 of the new style traffic tickets. <br />Recreation: Grass on the athletic field is being cut regularly. <br />Weeds in town are scheduled for cutting by R-Wier. Basketball <br />Standards are in and will be installed. <br />