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VILLAGE OF LAKE ELMO <br />Council meeting November 16,1962 <br />Attending: Urtel, Dornfeld, Ebne, and Mehsikomer. <br />( Called to order at 7:45PM by Mayor Urtel <br />Discussed the waterworks: Two leaks or problems had been encountered. <br />One had a pulled out flare on the pipe at the Ray Anderson dwe&ling. <br />The other was that the outlet at the postoffice could not be loc- <br />ated; Rivard was able to assist the contractor in this problem. <br />Bill. O'brien of Power Process Equipment was on hhnd to discuss <br />eters and connections. He delivered 12 tailpipes. Another ,4�&c�G <br />were ordered and Mr O'Brien would arrange to deliver these. <br />One bad meter 6240252 was taken in for repair. <br />Fran Pott was on hand to discuss the $580.00 assessment a#ainst his <br />property. The water line is such a that he has no access to the <br />main.without going over private property. He was advised the council <br />would consider his problem and let him know status. <br />Police and Safety report: Some vandalism has been going on and a <br />bicycle had been stolen and as of the meeting had not been located. <br />New cont5act is necessary between the Village of Lake Elmo and the <br />Town of East Oakdale. <br />Motion by Trustee Dornfeld second by Trustee Ebne that the present <br />contract be extended for the balance of 1962. Carried 3-0. <br />Clerk advised that the Town of East Oakdale had promised to pay <br />the $900.00 due the Fire Department by November 20, 1962. <br />One fire ate the intersection of Lake Elmo Road and Hwy 12. <br />One contractor had installed two gas services in the Village with- <br />out taking out the required permits. This matter was to be taken <br />up with both the inspector and Northern States Power Go. <br />Bob Mordick was on harld to discuss the 100 additional feet of main <br />that had been extended beyond the Village limits on 11th St. Clerk <br />was instructed to take this matter up with Banister Eng. and have <br />them contact Mr. Mordick. <br />Robert Dennis requested information on whether the Village would <br />maintain the Saffstrom Driveway relative to plowing. In exchange for <br />this the school children would have the right to use this drive- <br />way rather than to follow the highway to the Lake Elmo Raod. <br />Roy Lohman brought some problems relative to the water installation. <br />It was recommended that a straight piece of pipe be installed and <br />that Roy change this to a meter about a week after the water had been <br />installed to make sure that the lines are clean. <br />Roy Dornfeld submitted a check to cover the permits for 5 gas per- <br />mits at $5.00 each for the yaar 1962. <br />Trustee Ebne reported that the gravel for the Village about 40 <br />loads had been dumped and the roads were in fair condition. <br />The followinf rate shedule was submitted on a motion by Trustee <br />Dornfeld second by trustee Ebne and approved for 3-0 on a tempory <br />basis. First 10,000 gallons and Minimum quarterly charge $ 7.50 <br />next 10900 gallons @ .40/1,000 gallons <br />next 190,000 gallons @.25 / 1000gallons <br />up to 500,000 gallons @ .1Y gallon <br />over 500,000 gallons @ .12 gallon <br />Pump house keys were ditributed to Roy Lohmann, Horace Dornfeld,, <br />Roy Dornfeld,l.Ebne, and Louis Urtel. <br />