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a1t14,��;n�to� a,�x,eg <br />'�atke �&lxuu, �Eliirnesrrtu 55AT42 <br />MINUTES OF THE LAKE ELMO VILLAGE COUNCIL MEB'T.ING MARCH 4, 1969. <br />Meeting called to order at 7:15PM by Mayor C3rook4ian.. <br />Present; Abercrombie,BrookmantBoorman,.'Ebne and Mehsikomer.. <br />Minutes of the February 4a 1969 meeting read and approv6d, <br />Discussion was held on Sunday Liquor requirements. Motion was made by <br />Trustee Boorman second by Trustee Abercrombie that the hours for Sunday <br />Liquor in the Village of Lake Elmo be set for 3:OOPIW -to 11:OOPM. <br />Motion was carried 4-0. <br />Al Haseley ,Constable, reported that he had checked the Twin Point <br />Tavern and that it met the requiremants of the State of Minnesota to <br />be issued a Sunday License. <br />Motion byTrustee Abercrombie 2nd by 'Trustee Ebne -that a license to <br />operate on Sunday be issued -to Norman Schwartz owner of the 'Twin Point <br />Tavern during the legal hours. Carried 4-0. <br />The Sunday Liquor license in the Village of Lake Elmo at both the Twin <br />Point Tavern and the Elmo Inn are subject to annual review. <br />Millard Eder who was elected to the postion of Constable by a write in <br />ballot at the annual election was sworn in to that office by the clerk. <br />Meeting redessed at 8:OOPM to consider bids on fire truck. <br />Meeting called to arder again at 8:15PM. <br />Anton Friedrich was on hand to discuss the refusal of the council to <br />permit sale of one lot on lfthx2± Kalmia Ave. He ma7.ntmi.ned -that as long <br />l as we would not permit the improvement of this property then we whould <br />be agreeable to giving tax relief on the property. Tax is 897.00. <br />Al Hasely reported to the council on the number of timed that he had <br />been called on during the month of February. At least nine different <br />requests were made of the constable. This is the information that the <br />Mayor had requested so that he could justify wage increase for constable. <br />Bill Eder requested that the council do something about the; parking <br />on Lake Elmo Road on both sides of the road in -the area immediately <br />south of the railroad tracks.Cars have been parking across driveways <br />and. have been parking too close to the fire hydrant. Mayor said that <br />he would have the constable discuss this matter with the parties in- <br />volved as an initial step and consider further steps if necessary. <br />A snowmobile proposal was discussed. a.ndall the features that the <br />council wanted, were given to Don Raleigh to put together in the form' <br />of an initial draft. Since consolidation is a possibility it was de- <br />cided that East Oakdale slould. be given an opportunity toreview and. <br />suggest any additions -that might be applicable. <br />Ben Gorka of the Elmo Inn has been considering an addition to his es- <br />tablishment;,. Mayor Brockman requested that the council meet on Saturday <br />Manning at 9:OOAM to check the area and consider the proposal. Clerk <br />advised that he would. be unable -to attend but all other members of the <br />council aggreed to be present.on March 8, 1969. <br />Tuesday March 11, 1969 is the annual meeting of the past Oakdale <br />Township. Council agreed to meet with the town board and discuss the <br />bids on the fire equipment. A representative from the well drilling <br />firm would be on hand to discuss the ;pullin; 6f the village wailer <br />pump for repair. <br />