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lalags of Nakt ztma <br />wao4ingfan anxnitg <br />?UIThe g1mo, � ttnesota 551142 <br />MINUTES OF T11E LAKE ELMO VILLAGE COUNCIL JURY 1, 1969. <br />Meeting called to order at 7:30PM by Mayor Brockman. <br />Present: Brockman! Abercrombie,Boorman, Ebne and Mehsikomer. <br />Minutes of the June 3, 1969 meeting read and approved. <br />( fire Chief James Bjorkman asked for and received permission to block off <br />Kalmia Ave, in front of the Firehall on July 25th,, 1969 to have a street <br />dance to taise money for the fire department. Permit ok from 9 12PM,. <br />Permission was granted for the fire department and the Lions Club to use <br />the lighted ballfield on Saturday July 12, 1969. <br />Motion by Trustee Abercrombie 2nd by Trustee Boorman that Fake Elmo Road <br />be parallel parking on the East side of the street and that markings on <br />the street would be made wide enough to permit cars to open the doors on <br />the inside next tc the curb. Paralell parking would be in effect on the <br />West side of the street from Gorka's Driveway North. Angle parking would <br />be permitted only in the area: immediately in front of the E3mio Inn. <br />Carried 4-0. <br />Mayor Brockman was to check with the county engineer to see if they would <br />stripe the street after the excess rock has been removed, <br />Motion By Boorman 2nd by Abercrombie to approve an expenditure not to <br />.exceed $600.00 to prepare a colored layout of a proposed park on property <br />adjacent to the Village of Lake Elmo. Carried 4--0, <br />1Juestion was eked. how much was done relative to the drainage on Kalmia <br />y Anton Friedrich.. Deports that he had put in a large amount of gravel <br />and that the present soil was removed to a point where the water seeped into <br />the bottom of the hole. <br />Clerk to contaot Banister Engineering in letter form requ.estin that he <br />prepare a proposal for the installation and. maintenance of fluoridation <br />equipment for the village water. department. Banister to submit proposal <br />to the Department of Health, State of Minnesota for approval. <br />William S'touveihel requested to be hear relative to ar.equest to build on. <br />the Schiltgen property North of the railroad tracks. The coupicil expained <br />that this area is a drainage area and every year it is flooded over with <br />a .regular river over the property even in an average winter. <br />Special meetin scheduldd for. July 14, 1969 at 6:30PM to discuss streets. <br />Northern States Power suggested that on new plats that the electrical <br />service be put undergroung. <br />Clerk authorized -to pkace -the excess funds of the Water Department in <br />Federal FIC Bank Debentures. <br />The following bills were submitted for approval: <br />T,ee Richert $556.15; Electro Rust Proofing $159.00 <br />---om. of taxation 46.05 Meyer Mercantile 22.55 <br />Thorsen & Lawson 487.509 25.00, 10.00 <br />NSP 202.42 87.07 34.43 <br />Lake Elmo Oil 7.75 13.50 C.roixside Press 39.00 <br />Northwestern Bell 52.04 9.15 <br />Scott Turnbull 8.75 <br />Motion by Abercrombie 2nd by Ebne that bill be paid. Carried 4-»0. <br />eeting adjourned at 10.402M. <br />Donald Mehsikomer <br />Village Clerk Lake Elmo, Minnesota <br />