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Viff g of �ake '�tmo <br />Waollingtnn olowltp <br />'Rothe ''glmu, Mittumotra 551142 <br />Minutes of the Lake Elmo Village Council March 179 1970. <br />Meeting called to order at a 7:30PIW by Mayor Brookman. <br />Present:Brookman,Watson,Abercrombie,Shervheim,Preidrich,Park and <br />Mehsikemer. Also present Dan. Raleigh -Legal & Otte Bonestroo-.Eng.. <br />Minutes of the March 31 1970; the March 9 ,1970 and the March 12, 1970 <br />read and approved. <br />Menem by Councilman Abercrombie second by Councilman Shervheim that <br />the Board of Examiners as listed in the March 3, 1970 meeting ins <br />accordance with Gas Ordinance #105 be dissolved and the Village use <br />the facilities of the Heating and Air Conditioning Examination Board <br />Inc. to qualify installers in the Village of Lake Elmo. Unanimous yes. <br />LeRoy Turnbull requested permission of the Council for the Lake Elmo <br />Liens to use the facilities of the Fire Hall and the Village Hall for <br />a Pancake breakfast on Sunday May 3, 1970. Permission granted. <br />Council requested that Mr. Mottaz be invited to the Village Meeting <br />on April 7, 1970 to discuss the open space program in detail wiht the <br />council. <br />Mr. Gene Radermacker 3247 Flora Drive Billings Montana who has property <br />in the proposed park area has requested that he be advised of whatever <br />action is taken so he can dispose of his property if possible. <br />f Chuck. Swanson Assistant County Highway Engineer gave a remime of the <br />l _ County's plans for roads. Minnehaha Ave is due for full. improvement <br />in.1970. Other roads in the Village are an the drawing beard of the <br />long range plans but figure in the five year and theten year plan <br />with no immediate help available. <br />Ccaucnil discussed the road improvement program for 1970 and requested <br />Bonestoo and Associates to update their maps and. est.imat:ea an several <br />projects previously considered. <br />1.11th St. Project from bake Elmo Road to WCH.15. <br />2.Eagle Point Read. <br />3.Old Trunck Highway 212.- <br />4.Lake Jane Road. <br />5.Lake Jane Drive. <br />6.0ohn Drive. <br />Hearing dates an these improvements would be established at the April <br />79 1970 meeting. <br />Councilman Watson suggested that we invite the residents of Section <br />32 (where the sewer is installed) to discuss a service road along 694 <br />and advise the county of our position. <br />( Darwin Acres Plat was originally approved with no changes. A copy of <br />the Plat now on file at the County Office have changes which were <br />not cleared with the council. Don Raleigh was asked in investigate <br />and see hew and why the changes were made. <br />Council approved the proposal of Councilman Shervheim to invite the <br />various Insurance Agencies and agents living in the Village of Lake <br />Elmo to participate in setting up a committee to study the insurance <br />( xmmmkiimx requirments of the Vill-age of Lake Elmo and establishing <br />specs,. Known agents would be sent a letter and others in the area <br />would be invited in. a news release to participate if interested. <br />