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Special Meeting of the Lake Elmo Village Council. November 9, 1970 <br />Meeting called to order at 7:30PM by Mayor Brockman. <br />Present:Brookman,Wateon,Abercrombie,Shervheim and Friedrich.. <br />Norm Wendt appeared on behalf of Twin Point Tavern on the request for a building permit, <br />Letter from Village Counsel Raleigh to Norm Qhmakx Schwartz explaining the documents <br />that were to be presented at the,Session of the Council was read. <br />l.Norm Wendt presented an affidavit from Trusval. Inc, xntf certifying that the truces <br />to be used would more than withstand the weight of snow that they might be subjected to. <br />2.Plot Plan. Although the plan did not show the layout of the individual parking spots <br />it did show the dimensions of the property and reveal that adequate space was available <br />to meet the legal requirements. Plans call for bla.cktonping the entire parking area <br />and placing curbing between the street and the area parking lot. It was pointed out <br />that the village engineer should determine the entrance and the exit to the property. <br />Clerk instructed to have Bonestroo contact Mr. Wemdt to look over the property and <br />make his decision. <br />3.The floor plan for the building would remain as per the original plan and that no <br />variations would be taken from the accepted drawing. <br />Motion by Councilman Shervheim 2nd by Councilman Watson that subject to meeting the above <br />requirements and posting a completion bond, amount to be determined by the Village Tng. <br />the building inspector be informed that approval of the requested permit is given and <br />that he may issuet the required permits. Carried 5-0. <br />Members of the police commission,Fran Pott, Scotty Lyall, Rain Krongard and. Dick Gustafson <br />were on hand to present a recommended contract and ask the Council to offer any additions <br />or changes that it might think necessary. 10 citizens were on hand to listen to the <br />presentation. Contract, copy on file with clerk, was discussedwK Some terms required <br />further defintOns. The Commission was asked to contact the sheriffs office and see if <br />a meeting between the sheriff, members of the County Board, members of the Pol.iceCNn - <br />mission and members of the Village Council to see if terms could be agreed to so that a <br />decision might be resolved that w ould bring police protection of a local nature to the <br />Village of Lake Elmo, Minnesota by January 1, 1971. <br />Motion by Councilman Abercrombie 2nd. by Councilman Watson that meeting be adjourned at <br />9:10PM. Motion carried 5-0. <br />Respectfully submitted <br />Donald Mehsikomer <br />Village Clerk <br />.Lake :Elmo, Minnesota <br />