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CITY OF LAKE' ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES) August 13, 1979 Special Meeting <br />Mayor Armstrong convened the meeting at 9:40 p.m. with the following Councillors <br />answering the roll: Johnson, Morgan, Mottaz , and Pott. Administrator Whittaker, <br />the Valley Branch Watershed District Board of Managers, and the Tschumperlins were <br />also present. <br />SPECIAL USE PERMIT, VALLEY BRANCH WATERSHED DISTRICT, for Project 1005 — Shoreland <br />Management and Flood Plain Management Ordinances. <br />Mottaz moved, seconded by Morgan, that the City grant the Special Use Permits <br />required under the Shoreland Management and Flood Plain Management Ordinances <br />for VBWD Project 1005. The Council agreed that the more permanent installation <br />would limit tree kill in,the park to areas already damaged. They agreed the only <br />question before the Council at this time is the effect of the project on the <br />shoreland and floodplain. The Council expressed its belief that the project <br />does not adversely affect either. The Council said that they will ask the <br />District to guarantee the park pond will not be filled above 903 when they <br />grant the easement. Mayor Armstrong said the City is not giving away control <br />of the project by granting these permits. <br />Vote: 4-0-1, with Pott abstaining. Pott said the Planning Commission was not <br />aware that the Council was going to act on the permit tonight; and may not have <br />had sufficient time to study the request. He said he also felt the public <br />hearing was unnecessary, as the District had already held exhaustive hearings <br />on the project. <br />2012 WASHINGTON COUNTY ALTERNATIVE: The Council agreed that they would like to know more <br />about the Washington County proposal to serve as general contractor for the 201 <br />sewer facilities plans in the County. They instructed the Administrator to ask <br />the County who would serve as consulting engineer for the project; and to advise <br />the County that we have made arrangements for the study; but would like to know <br />more about the County proposal. <br />Meeting adjourned at 9:55 p.m. <br />