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08-21-79 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
08-21-79 CCM
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CITY OF LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING, AUGUST 21, 1979 <br />i Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order_ -at 5:15 p.m. <br />Councilors in attendance: Mottaz, Pott, Johnson (5:40), Morgan (6:10), also <br />Administrator Whittaker, Planner Chelseth and Engineer Bohrer. <br />AGENDA: Addition under G. Other — Water Bills <br />Armstrong moved, seconded by Pott, to approve the agenda as amended. <br />Motion carried 3-0. <br />MINUTES: Mottaz moved, seconded by Armstrong, to approve the minutes of <br />August 7, 1979, as written. Motion carried 3-0. <br />Mottaz moved, seconded by Armstrong, to approve the minutes of <br />August 13, 1979, Special Council meeting, as amended. Under SUP <br />Valley Branch Watershed District — Pott also said he had trouble <br />with voting for this permit given the negative PZC recommendation. <br />Motion carried 3-0. <br />CLAIMS: The Council agreed to hold payment on theFire Hall and the Architects <br />bill until all the bills are in. As TIiDA will not agree to a "not <br />to exceed figure" the Council will wait until all the bills are in <br />before determining the amount to be split by the City and TKDA. <br />Pott suggested the City start now to secure door openers for the <br />Fire Hall Addition. The Council agreed to hold payment on the bill <br />from Bob Lafayette for the Appraisal Report on the Meyer/City property. <br />The Council agreed to pay Tower Asphalt, subject to receipt of the <br />final lien waiver, for First and Immanual. The Council agreed to <br />pay Tom Loucks, Planner, the remaining $300 due on his contract. His <br />contract does not bind him to do the final draft of the Zoning Ordi— <br />nance and all other work has been completed. <br />Pott moved, seconded by Mottaz, to approve claims 79517 thru 7954$ <br />with the deletion of that portion of TKDA for the Fire Hall. Motion <br />carried 4-0. <br />MEYER APPRAISAL: The Council discussed various ways of handling the sale and <br />cost of the appraisal of Lots 33 and 34 in the Old Village. The <br />City owns 1/6 of the combined parcel. Discussion included the City <br />getting 1/6 of the total cost of the selling price — the total price <br />to be based on square footage. (This is if the property is sold.) <br />FCorrection 9/18/79 Whittaker suggested the City accept*$4,500 plus legal and appraisal <br />$4,500 should be fees and split the asked for difference if the porperty is sold on <br />$3,500 plus legal... a square footage basis. No action was taken. <br />REGIONAL PARK — Bob Lockyear, Washington County Planner — <br />Mr. Richard Meunich, from Brauer and Associates, attended with Mr. <br />Bob Lockyear, County Planner, to answer questions raised by the City <br />on the Regional Park Plan. The following issues were discussed: <br />1) South East Boat Launch — this has been left in the plan because <br />of support from the County Park Commission, it is utilizing an <br />existing boat launch and it provides a good line of sight for traffic <br />in relation to the Tartan Park location. Mottaz asked if this pro— <br />posed type of boat launch is consistant with the passive use facility <br />designation of this park. The City prefers a carry —in launch. A <br />launch of the proposed type is not consistant with the use of the lake. <br />(A fishing, sailing, swimming lake.) Mottaz is opposed to any ramp type <br />facility. Councilman Mottaz distributed a letter listing his concerns. <br />Mr. Lockyear said the Met Council may not agree to limit access to the <br />lake to only non —motorized craft The County is lealing with public <br />dollars thereby making it difficult to exclude certain public use. <br />He also said this is a park reserve (no more than 20'% of the area will <br />be developed) not a passive park. <br />
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