<br />Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
<br />Councillors in attendance: Mottaz, Pott, Morgan. Also, Administrator
<br />Whittaker,
<br />AGENDA: Additions: Council Reports -- Jamaca Avenue Gate and Reid Park.
<br />New Business Levy Limit Base, IMCA, North Star Chapter/
<br />Building Inspectors Conference, Fees for Sign Permits, and
<br />Resolution on Water Level Policy.
<br />Morgan moved, seconded by Mottaz, to approve the agenda as
<br />amended. Motion carried 4-0.
<br />MINUTES: June 3, 1980 - MSA Project - To read "Mottaz moved, seconded
<br />by Armstrong, to adopt Resolution 80-34A ordering the final
<br />plans and specifications....."
<br />Armstrong moved, seconded by Morttaz, to approve the minutes
<br />of June 3, 1980, as amended. Motion carried 4-0.
<br />June 17, 1980 Pott moved, seconded by Morgan, to approve
<br />the minutes of June 17, 1980, as submitted. Motion carried
<br />4-0.
<br />CLAIMS: Morgan moved, seconded by Armstrong, to approve Claims 80392
<br />thru 80431. Motion carried 4-0.
<br />TELESQUIRT BIDS: The Council reviewed the bid tab sheet. Low bidder
<br />on the complete unit was International Harvester with General
<br />Safety Equipment Corp, of St. Paul. The Administrator
<br />recommended that the Council :accept the low bid of $117,676,
<br />and requested he and Councilman Pott be authorized to determine
<br />whether an International Harvester or a Caterpillar engine
<br />should go in the truck. The International engine is a
<br />heavier engine and is an additional $500.
<br />Mottaz moved, seconded by Armstrong, to accept the low bid
<br />from International Harvester and General Safety Equipment
<br />Corp. for a maximum of $117,676, and authorize Councilman
<br />Pott and Administrator Whittaker to negotiate which engine
<br />is best suited for the truck. Motion carried 3-0-1. Morgan
<br />abstained. Morgan stated he abstained because this expenditure
<br />is $40,000 over the budgeted amount.
<br />MAINTENANCE BUILDING: The Council reviewed the bids for the Maintenance
<br />Garage. Low bidder for a 4 bay building was Acton, at $144,870,
<br />and for a 5 bay building, Steele at $163,450.- The 5 bay
<br />building, with alternates 2 and 4, plus the 11% architect fee
<br />will be about $6,430 over the budgeted $175,000. Wes Hendrickson,
<br />TKDA architect, submitted an estimate for inspection services
<br />which would run an additional $3,000 to $4,500. Mottaz and
<br />Pott feel these inspections should be included in the archi-
<br />tectural fees of the contract. No inspections are provided
<br />for in the contract. The Building Inspector feels he can
<br />handle a portion of the inspections.
<br />Mottaz moved, seconded by Armstrong, to accept the low bid
<br />from Steele, for a 5 bay Maintenance Building, including
<br />alternates 1 and 2. Discussion:
<br />