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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING, APRIL 5, 1983 <br />Mayor Eder called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. <br />Councillors present: Morgan, Fraser, Mazzara and Dunn. Also present <br />Administrator Whittaker and Attorney Marshall. <br />1. AGENDA: Additions - <br />6. A. - Pete Schiltgen - Hutchinson Rezoning <br />14. B. - Announcements <br />14. C. - Morgan - Landfill Proposal <br />14. D. - Eder - Loyalty Day ProcJa4Imation <br />Postponed - <br />10. B. - Weed Sprayer <br />11. E. - Water Tower Alarm Bids <br />M/S/P Mazzara/'Fraser to accept the Agenda, as amended. Carried 5-0. <br />2. MINUTES - MARCH 15: <br />Correction- Page 6, Paragraph 3, Item 6 - <br />° Quest#eaed-}f Stated the reasons cited by the Planning <br />Commission would not_be deemed legally sufficient by a court. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Fraser to accept the minutes of March 15, 1983, as <br />corrected. Carried 5-0. <br />3. CLAIMS: <br />M/S/P Morgan/Fraser to approve Claims 83598 thru 83644. Carried 5-0. <br />4. PUBLIC INQUIRIES: None <br />5. CITY ATTORNEY: <br />A. Financing Watershed Plan - Attorney Marshall advised the Council <br />t at an approved Watershed and Capital Improvement Plan, prepared <br />by the Water Management Crgani-zation, must be developed before a <br />special tax district can be set up for watershed planning in <br />the Cottage Grove Ravine. At this time, General Fund monies <br />would have to be used to prepare a plan. <br />Mayor Eder explained to the audience why the Council considers <br />a . plan necessary and the reasons for considering a <br />special taxing district. Cost estimate for preparing a plan <br />was $12,500. <br />Comments- <br />--Tom Armstrong, 8291 15th St. N. - less than 1,000 acres is in <br />the Cottage Grove Ravine. This is a single stream starting <br />in Oakdale and ending in a landlocked swamp south of I-94. <br />Concerned about anc assessed cost per acre (approx.$12/a) for <br />a plan. There have been no problems in this area. Cautioned <br />Council on joining a Joint Powers Agreement- could result in <br />high assessment costs for the City. <br />--Ray Marshall - Statute 509 provides that a special tax district <br />can be set up, once a plan is approved, but does not require that <br />the City prepare a plan before the Watershed District does. <br />--Whittaker - considering a plan so that the City is prepared when <br />this watershed is developed - plan would document that the City <br />is retaining its run-off and should not be assessed for planning <br />or construction of subsequent improvements downstream. <br />