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07-25-85 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
07-25-85 CCM
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PUBLIC HEARING FOR PUMPING OF LAKE JANE <br />JULY 24, 1985 <br />Mayor Morgan called the public hearing to order at 8:00 p.m. in <br />the Council chambers. Present: Armstrong, Dunn, Christ, Acting <br />Administrator Banister and City Engineer Bohrer. Absent: Mazzara <br />Mayor Morgan addressed the present situation. There is <br />approximatley 465 acre-feet of additional water above elevation <br />924 on Lake Jane and upstream on Lakes Olson, DeMontreville and <br />Long. Allowing for average precipitation for the remainder of the <br />year, the existing pump should be able to remove 450 acre-feet <br />prior to freeze up on or about December 1, 1985. <br />The City Engineer, Larry Bohrer, presented the proposal of the <br />1985 Auxiliary Pumping Program for Lake Jane. The purpose of this <br />project is to remove approximately 300 acre feet of additional <br />water so that Lake Jane is approximately elevation 922 prior to <br />the 1986 spring snow melt. <br />It is proposed to install an existing electric pump owned by the <br />VBWD on the south shore of Lake Jane and by means of a forcemain, <br />pump water into the Shafer Contracting gravel pit west of Jamaca <br />Avenue. The estimated cost without contingencies is $14,500. <br />The owners of the gravel pit, Shafer's Contracting Co., want three <br />conditions met before allowing the pumping: <br />a. Maintain access provided to gravel stockpiles. <br />b. Do not allow pine trees to be inundated (elevation 928.5 shall <br />not be exceeded). <br />c. City to provide liability insurance or held harmless <br />in case of a claim. <br />There were backhoe excavations done on the site, and they <br />indicated a perched water table at about elevation 925.5. Soil <br />borings taken for VBWD Project 1001 indicate the pit was underlain <br />with 10 feet to 40 feet of silt and clay. Standing water in the <br />pit is evidence of the perched water table. By contrast, the water <br />table in the landfill is about elevation 900. Since the gravel <br />pit shows saturated soil at elevation 925.5 and all pumping must <br />stop at 928.5 to protect the pine trees, there is insufficient <br />head to drive the water horizontally to dispose of sufficient <br />quantities of water. Surface storage below 928.5 is about 6 <br />acre-feet. The planned pump would fill this in 1-112 to 2 days. <br />Then, the pump would have to be shut off for an indefinite amount <br />of time until water levels recede. Based on these findings, the <br />proposal does not look feasible. <br />
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