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A1{ rig H t <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING <br />SEPTEMBER 14, 1988 <br />PRESENT: Christ, Armstrong, Moe, Johnson, Graves, Morrison, <br />Banister, REAPP Co -Chairman Novak. <br />The Finance Director briefly reviewed the budget and asked for any <br />questions. <br />Discussion ensued on: salaries (4% increase),, current reserves, <br />levy limit impact, 1989 projected mill rate, proposed permanent <br />part-time positions, planning consultant and issuance of equipment <br />certificate. <br />Mayor Christ discussed his recommendation to place a question on <br />the November. 8th ballot to let the voters determine if funds <br />should be expended, for legal and engineering fees, to oppose the <br />proposed landfill at Lake Elmo Regional Park. Councilman Johnson <br />encouraged REAPP to review other sources of expertise for <br />engineering services. <br />On motion of Moe, seconded by Graves, resolved that the Council <br />hereby determines that the question of expenditure of funds, for <br />legal and engineering services, to oppose the proposed landfill at <br />Lake Elmo Regional Park., be placed on the November 8th General <br />Election Ballot, and, further that the funding request be for <br />$50,000 in 1989, $50,000 in 1990, $50,000 in 1991, and $50,000 in <br />1992. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />The Council directed the Administrator to have the questions <br />available to the County for the November 8th election. <br />It was further determined that the citizens be advised of, and <br />educated on, the question through the September and October City <br />Newsletters, and that a direct bulk mailing be forwarded to all <br />residents to advise them of the reason for the special question, <br />and the estimated tax impact. <br />Adjourn: 8:30 p.m. <br />