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LAKE ELMO BUDGET WORKSHOP <br />AUGUST 25, 1992 <br />Mayor Johnson called the budget workshop to order at 7:00 <br />p.m. at city hall. PRESENT: Mayor Johnson, Hunt, Dick <br />Johnson, Mottaz, Williams, Department Heads and City <br />Engineer Prew. <br />The 1993 budget was discussed with the Department Heads. <br />IMPACT FEES FOR LIMITED BUSINESS <br />The Council received a letter on Impact Fees from Attorney <br />Filla. Impact Fees will be incorporated in the Limited <br />Business ordinance. <br />INFRASTRUCTURE FOR UTILITIES: <br />City Engineer Prew provided the Council with a memo on <br />Surface Water Management dated August 25, 1992. He asked if <br />the storm water utility bill can be put on a tax statement <br />from the County or does the city have to collect it with the <br />water bill? Marilyn: My understanding is that it can be, <br />but she would have to check with the County. <br />Hunt had checked with a few residents who said they don't <br />want to be reminded couple times a year how much it costs to <br />live today. They would prefer it to come on their tax <br />statement. The amount of staff time needed to do all of this <br />may make it counterproductive. If Washington County won't <br />do it, then we have to take a hard look at the <br />administration costs. <br />Williams voiced his concern about the 1% Rule business. We <br />can charge fees if they are reasonable associated with <br />expenses that we incur. If there is a new development along <br />I-94 under our Limited Business Ordinance and they adhere to <br />the 1% Rule, how can we charge roughly three times a <br />residence. <br />Prew: Regardless, if their water is going into something we <br />maintain. <br />There was council consensus on getting rid of the credits <br />and the statement of general operation. <br />