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1110UNDS VIF.V1' F.(:UNOVII(: UEVEI.OPMF:NT AUTTIORITV <br />RESOLUTION NO.47-F.DATZ 1.,,_ W~ <br />C'Oi:NTY OF RAMSF.Y 1 `~-^ <br />STATF.OF VIIVNESOTA <br />RESOLU'l'lON AUTHORi'/.iVC THE NF.(:UT1A'1'ION ANU EXECUTION OF A <br />CO\'1'RACI' FOR Y1tOFFSSiONAL SERVICES FOR THE DEVEI.OPhiEI\T OF <br />UESICN TDF.3iF.S FOR HI(~IIWAY 10 CORRIDOR <br />It is hcrcin• tcsolvrd by Ihr A<wd ul'Commissioners (lhc "I3oard'~ ol'the 4lounds Vi~~v <br />Economic Developmurt Authority (the "Aullxrrity"! as follows: <br />(a) the Authority Itas the pou=crs provided in Mirmcsola Stutuu,~, Sections 4G9.1?4 to <br />469.124 and 469.090 to 469.108 (twlla;tivcly the "Act"). <br />(hj Puntmnt ur and in furihcrnrtcc of the ohjtxtivcs of the Act. the Authority has <br />undertaken a program to promote dcvdopmrnt and redcvclopmrtu ol'ccrmin land within <br />the City of Mounds View and in this connection is engaged in carrying out the Mounds <br />Vices Economic Deeelnpmcnl I'rojxt (the "Projeci ~) within the City. <br />(c) 1'hctt has been approved pursuant to the Acl a Project Plan for the Projee:L. <br />(d) The rcdcvclupmrnt and development of pruprriy within the Prujcct en: stated <br />objectives ul'tlx Project Plan. <br />(e) In ortlty ut uchicvc the objectives of the 1'm•jcct Plan, the Authority has determined <br />the n~xd ur contract with urban design. planning, ttwtsporuttiun. engineering. land uu~ end <br />envinmmcnlul pmfesgional scn°itx companies to aid and avsist in Iltc n~clcvclopment and <br />dtvelapmaml ul'pmpcriy within the Project. <br />(11 The Authority dwins la develop dcsi~m themes for the iiighwuy lU Corridor between <br />Edgewrxxl Drive and 5ilvu Lake Road to identifc a ftxal point of community :rclivity as <br />ulouttds Vic~v's Cit,• ('enter. <br />(g) It htts hr~hr ra:ummcnde~ by members cF the tilounds \'ie~v Planning Commission <br />and EDA StuIT to enter into a contract liar ptttlL~ssiottal services (the "Comracl'-) ~+ith <br />ur develop 2-3 design concepts for Mounds Vic~v <br />City (:enter for an amount not to exct~d S1U,000. <br />a <br />