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RESULIJ'I'IUN 1\(7.98-b:DA-93 <br />PAGfs TR'U Uf 'I'1V() <br />• 2A2 l lpnn caeculiuu and deli~•crv of the Aprctimcnl, the o1Ti~xt~ and cmpluyars ofthe <br />Autltotily ('including mcmhen of Iltc C'ily Stnff. acting in their capacity as 5[x11' Iu the Authurily as <br />t~rll) arc hereby authori~.ed and dir>_eted lu lake nr cause to hr taken such actions u., mey bc: <br />nppropriate or nccu~sxry utt behalf of tltc Authority Io implement Ilse Agnrctncnt, including the <br />acquisitiun of the I'mpcrly, which is bring accomplished for redcvclopmcnl purpoxs. <br />3.03 'that the >icmnl of the Authority hcrclrv ddcrmincs that the ezix;wion and prrfurm:mcr <br />of thu Agreement and aquisitinn cif the l'ruperty ~~•ill help realize the puhlic purposas ~~I' lhr Act xnd <br />arc in fitrthcrancc uFlhc 1'rujret flan and the Ilnusing Replacement Program and authorizes the <br />Prcsidem and lixccutit•c Dirtxtur to appropriate #Gll_500 in tax increment funds to pnrchnsc the <br />pmpcny located al 6991 Pleasant Vices llri~c. <br />Adapted by the 1loard of Commi~siuttrrr• of the M~mnds V irw fcunomic Ikh•clopmcnt Authority this <br />33th doy of Jttnc, 1998. <br />~~, r 1Cuupmciaets. ng President <br />A'1"1'L+S'I': <br />• <br />C'hucg-l:.xcc iveDirrctor <br />• <br />