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<br />70.01 (]) U0fore ~ny wat0~ conveyed through tho rnunlcip~l
<br />water RYHtcm Rh~ll be u~bdor uLilized on tho land or promisc80f,
<br />.:my person, firm or corporation or before water is taken from a'
<br />municipal hydrant by any person, firm ar corporat ton ,there' ,'~,~ ,.
<br />shall first be installed a water meter that wi-l.l--accurately,::,<,'::<':::"
<br />measure the wa ter conSllmed' on the,prp.miGeB,-'-;ex.d~pt,.ln.:f'~~nie~fi>:l","
<br />such installation'~hall be exempt: 'by' the' Municipality. The '.
<br />applicant for 8a id,;:wat~'r ,service s'ha 11 "prepay to: the Municl--
<br />pality at the tirne:~:of his application anamoun't determined:'by:
<br />the MuniCipality to be sufficient to cover the (;0fit for thre'e
<br />n:onths of water service to the applicant. Said amount to be
<br />no 10.RS th~n fortynollarR ($40.00). Said prepayment will be
<br />l'eturllf~d pursuant to the rl"C]111.=ttjons hcreiil..:1ft(2[" set fl>rth.
<br />
<br />(4) All monies previously received by the municipality
<br />:'13 W;'ltcr m'.:tcr Llepusits arc [wr0.by crE:Jited ')5 prep<lyments to the
<br />~CCount of cdeh ~nd eV0ry w~tpr US2r in the municipality who
<br />has made such deposil and shall be rC9\11ated by the provisions
<br />of this Chapter.
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<br />70.15 Prepc3y~,:::nt:..~. The prepayment for. ''''dter service made to
<br />the municipulity as provided hereinabove prior to the instal-
<br />,lation of the water mete~ shall be applied to the final utility
<br />bill of the person prepaying such money whenever such person '
<br />shall leave the premises and the water service is disconnected
<br />and the meter ret~'.le~ in Good condition and not damaged. Should
<br />the amount of sail; prepuy~cnt exceed the amount of the final bill
<br />for water service the eli fference sl:all be returned to the person
<br />prepaying s~ch money !Jrovided that there are no delinquent or
<br />Unpaid water 0r other ~ltilitv bills or charges accumulated to the.
<br />date of the termination ,jf Rlwh service. If there are unpaid
<br />bills t)r chanw:'d~;-W:;,-~ must ~c.lrst be deducted from thf~ prepay-
<br />ment. W":('!i,~'V(' r' ,I.ny ConSUffiC?r sna 1 1 become delinquent in payment ",;,,'
<br />of'any"util it.y oj lr, the! Municipill i r.y shall be (?ntitled to deduct::::.":
<br />' from said prepayment the i:lmount of the unpaid '~illana may dis-"''':':
<br />.::ontinue s<:~rviC'e to th(~ consumer until the depleted pi:epayrnent
<br />' sum shall be ~lIcreilsed to th0 orietin.,] amount. required under this"
<br />chap'ter. 'Th(' 11ilbility ot t.he Municipality for the return of
<br />,said prepaymcnt:,hOW0Vo:..>r, f:!:;t 1 jl)(', 1. irr.i tcdtO the funds a~H'an-'
<br />,. avai lable in thl~'wcltl?r d{~p.]rtrn'~nt and 1=;h,,11 not constitute a "
<br />gcner,)l obli.IJdt,.()n:';:oLt!II~)J"iLJni.cipality. If 'an owner .sl1a11 'sell
<br />. or transfer the premises to another person, and fail to ,"\pply" ;;,
<br />forsuS,h,refund, thc>:purch':lser. thtr00f shall: he ent'it1ed tathe '
<br />return of s"id[Jl'f'f->;,yme:nt in lieu of the original applicant upon
<br />satisf~ctory ~r0of of tr~nsf~r of lit!e clnd possession of said
<br />prc.~mi:>('s at l~..]:;t SIX months prior to application for, the refund.
<br />
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