<br />,~.
<br />"
<br />!~.' .
<br />, ,
<br />
<br />.....; ..:T..~-".
<br />
<br />.;::":,, -!.
<br />
<br /><
<br />
<br />e
<br />
<br />
<br />;-,
<br />
<br />-."' ""',
<br />
<br />"..,.".,..~"'".
<br />' ...' ~ .' "':" :"..: ;:. ....~
<br />, ":,",:~:
<br />
<br />.
<br />
<br />.
<br />
<br />6. Danks ~nd b~l.':~.~ '-:,_ ,'.;1 ~;.'J ur lIvrdoring tho dr~inaqe
<br />way doscribod in 5ab~v", .;:'....u. ;;." eV/o;:od with top soil and >>odded
<br />and pegged.
<br />
<br />7. Use ,of,.thu ~hOi).)i:;,; c;,:.~ ~o::r roo: as a.holdinC]':,~1l4,:c:_;:" __:: _..,
<br />shall be eliminated ,bj-. oj?cni:1':i t:.h'~: ..i;:..;?::.ors on tho eastern side.."f:'
<br />tho building. Sc~ppors 0:-. tho r;~,r :::i ~:::_c::u shall remain stopped at'
<br />'a heiqht' of 3" 'ab~vo' the 'roo: Gl:':,:::e:.c'.:c;..:c.:.:pt ,fer that portionwest'''' '
<br />of the fire....'all separatir.<] t:1'::: ;~c~l.-.;,/':,U..'C= stor.:: f~:om the rest of the
<br />l:?uilding. Scuppers ,in t.~:.~ ~;".~'.:.L';':1 0: tho north side shall :be.:".".; "
<br />oJ;>ened. Additional :scuppors 5~a::;:' ;)~ installed in the:Luof, ..::xpan-',;", "
<br />Sloon joints to facilitate ::0'..: cf ..:~tc~ to t~e eas~ side roof:,,"":"'."""
<br />.-. scuppers. . . , ~ ".- '". .
<br />
<br />
<br />". ",
<br />8. Curbi~g around th0 cr~vaWdY catch basinjust'e~~~6f
<br />the County Road Iac;:cess s~,...ll L.-, r~i::c:d to an elevation level with
<br />the point at which the exi~ting ~~rb~~a c~r=ently makes its southern
<br />terminus. This i*prova::lc:-. t s~al: ::J~ c.esigned to prevent s,torrnwa ter
<br />trom overflo.,...ing tho c~rbing., ",' " ",' "j
<br />
<br />,;
<br />.""; ."
<br />
<br />"'9.' The;::c~tchbus~;;c.(;'.;,;,::;:i;;'--~, in,8above-shall be ',equipped':"/' '
<br />with a beehive top:. ,U:1til -:':lis: ',::;> i:.;insta1led:the ~~i5t~ng'C:,a_~,cr.::,,~,:::=<,
<br />'basin grateshil11i be 'removed tc ;,<~o',i ;:"L".".:C:'.'/a ter drainage:'" ThE{'ope'h'" "'"
<br />catch basin sha11b~ pro-:.e~tc:~, ~~1 it ~ha11 he the sole responsibil-
<br />ity of Paster Ente::prise.:; tu ...~~ _:..-.:.;; '.:.~..; :;;~.Ee;:y of persons in the area
<br />of the open catch basin.
<br />, ,
<br />
<br />i.:
<br />
<br />10. Th~ drain ~il~ ~(;~~'~~~tl~~ ~t t~c catch basin des-
<br />cribed in 8 above s,hi:l.:'::" L~~ ':;.~::'c::.:..':;' ::.i' ':=dSt c:..nd an additlonal catch'
<br />basin with a high volt;..,c .:.::::",';:.; ;,..,:,.:.::. ;':".2! i::staj.lcd at that point.
<br />
<br />,
<br />11. A c.~;~c:. :;.:l::';;',; s:.',',~,_ _ :..n3t2.Li.ed near the northeast
<br />corner of the Br ~dge::-,c:.:'.'.;; .:,,(;~: '. ,,:,: .~, ~ ;:,.....:.lc:::.:-;g and shall be connected
<br />to the drain tile, e::-.?t~r i:.r.: i:..__:..... :';C''': ::':-,(;2.3 t ~olding pO:1d.
<br />
<br />12. All ~~~~=~~c~j
<br />including the drainage ways,
<br />and pogged.
<br />
<br />..,...... . ".'
<br />~..._ _ ,..,J
<br />
<br />.:.:,;:::~)~!:j.i:-;g tr.e shopping center,
<br />_ _ ':;0',,'C:1:";;;... '.rli th top soil, sodded
<br />
<br />" ~
<br />.:J........... _ _
<br />
<br />",.'.... .:.... .,"
<br />"'bec'C..l.On:J'
<br />
<br />r.;j..~' ~~r\~-./:i ~:_':(:~... .:: ~J_
<br />
<br />:':,;.::: :h.'3ota sta tt: t..::5 ~ 29.101, .'.
<br />
<br />" .'. ,',.. '''',there::' shal~ beaTigpccLil;as.3L:3 ':;;:iL;'.~.:cV':.'c:':':::',o.n,t~l<?:~:property
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />.
<br />
<br />l...." ..'..','" ,;:..",'" '. ,,'.- ,"c' ,';, , ".'..,'":'"...;;",, :'" ':,:';,
<br />which' the' Mounds 'Vie'''; 's~':,i:..l"C/~:>
<br />, ,
<br />
<br />.".. "......". "..,
<br />~,j't:'cc;-.t.;~r <'ls':'si tuate ' to
<br />
<br />:al1 expenses and cpsts e:.-..:.t:l:':':":'::'.,: Si..':::::'O;"l 4 above, including,
<br />
<br />ibut not limitodto:, c:.~:
<br />
<br />. .... ..
<br />\....J..:......... .. :.i ....
<br />
<br />" :' ~::. i ~.::. t,,;d toabil tE:: the public
<br />
<br />health, safety ha~ard~,
<br />
<br />~::::. 'j,:.; :".~ :1'.~isances 3:1d all
<br />
<br />ad-
<br />
<br />> \..:..,.,_:"':;
<br />
<br />rninistrative costs ir.c~rrc.:. .:.:-. ;;...:.., :.-,:,'ocC:i..:ding. This sj?ccific
<br />
<br />
<br />. , ~. .
<br />
<br />- .--
<br />... . ". .". h" .: .. \,~'. .
<br />