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<br />IlrelinnlH:l' No. 2.\9
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<br />PnJtc l
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<br />"'.
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<br />202.n~. Ili!'-tancr /(celuirc.'Pl\'iitS. ~:n rcr~"'m c;hnll operate n !linowmohilc
<br />wi t hln I~n fl'ct()-rnre!. idl'nt in I :c;horl' I lne on ~nncl ioned Inkes in Rnm~cy
<br />County exn'pl nt n spcl'd of 15 mi le!li per hour or leu for pllrpo!lics of
<br />n('('('~~ to lWei ('RrrS!Ii frl'm the Inkc, or for the purpo5c ofpnrkingsuch---, -----,
<br />vchiclr~ n('nr the shoreline. ' ,
<br />
<br />
<br />zn2.06'Tow Rars.No pcrsoll shilll opcr:Jtf' n ~nowmohileso n5toto';';;:-:;-~>;,:":;:::::::~:c:"""
<br />:lIlY pcr~nll, sk'c1 or other conVC}':lnce except hy the llse ofnrigld'tow :,:' ~," ;:"::,,:;,>><:.:.-:,,..:,.:
<br />hilT alt:H:h('tl tn the re'nr of !'lIch snowmohi Ie. l>isahled:snowmobilesshalL,,: ' '
<br />'hl' r)tempt.
<br />
<br />".,;.
<br />inl.07 r-lallJatory LighlS. No person ~hnJ I operntea snowmobUc,,' "
<br />IIIlJess such vcl\icle is eq-ulP'J,ed with a he.ltl 1i~ht and tail liJ:ht thntnre "
<br />illuminnted nt illl timcsdurill~ sllch operations. Snowmobiles equipped '
<br />with ancn~ine of five (S) horsepoweT or Jess sh~IJ- be exempt. ..
<br />
<br />202. OR t-laJ,ldatory Pellnnnt. No pe'T5on sha II operate asnowmohil e
<br />IIllje~s ;:;ii\::h "'ch:c!~ i~ ,,'quipped with a red or orange hlaze pennant flaK
<br />of at Icast forty (40) square inches in arc;) and displayed at a hci~ht
<br />of not less than five(S) feet above the treadwny. '
<br />
<br />202.09 Penalties. Any person who slwll vi,olate any of the pro\dsions"q
<br />of this ordinance, Minrh'5ota stntute5 R.1.RI to Rt1.90, or the Re~uJntions
<br />of the CommissioneT of Natural Resource's N.W. :;1 to 59, shall be Ruilty of
<br />a mi sdemeilllor and he pun i shed hy a fi ne of not more than $300 or hy
<br />imprisonment for not mOTe than 90 Jays, or hoth.
<br />
<br />.,
<br />... .,. r ".
<br />:..... t. '.'.'
<br />
<br />202.10 Repeal. This ordinance IIpon promulgation repeals all pre-
<br />existing regulations in fore(' , C'xcept that such regulations shall be deemed
<br />to h<.' in force for th<.',pllrpos<.' ilf pC'rfccting any ri~ht vested,accrucd
<br />or arisi n~ t herefr\l'm.
<br />
<br />202.11 ?!:ll,nabiU.!l',' 'IlJl' 1'l'llvision5 of this ordinance shall be
<br />sC'parahlc arod thc invi1~idity of any s('ct.ir.;i, paragraph~ subdivision or
<br />nthpr part th('r('of <;ha1;1 not make void, impair, invalidate or affect the
<br />remilindeT tIH'rC'f)f.
<br />
<br />This onlillilnl"l.~,liilll laKc' ('ffeet from and "fter the
<br />,",puhlkation. l'il5:i':"d':h}'th~:Cl'll!lci I of ,thC' Cit{Jf'MotJnds
<br />22",1 day of "eeeoher, ',,7": .. ~
<br />
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<br />,\TrrST:
<br />_J-,
<br />~'i1 yor
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<br />date rif its
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<br />(SI:^ I.)
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