<br />
<br />,',' : ~':"::,?:':f~f~ f.
<br />
<br />.'
<br />
<br />Ordinance No. 24~
<br />
<br />Page 4
<br />
<br />j:
<br />
<br />.
<br />
<br />(q) Operator shall moan any person who has chargo, care or
<br />control of a multiple residence or rooming ,house, in which.
<br />dwolling units or rooming units are let or offered for
<br />'occupancy. "
<br />
<br />
<br />__ (r) ',OWner shall mean 'owner' or owners of the frceholcr:of ," ."
<br />the premIses or lessor estate therein, amortqaqor' orve'ridee, "
<br />in possession, assignee of 'rents, rcceiv~r I ""xeeutor ,'trustee ~
<br />lessee, other person, 'firm, or corporation, in.control of a,
<br />building, includinq their managers and agents.
<br />
<br />(5) OP7nab~~~ea shall mean that part of a window or door
<br />whieh 15 ~vctl1able for unobstructed ventilation and which
<br />opens directly to the outdoors.
<br />
<br />(t)P~rson shall muan an individual, firm, corporation,-
<br />association or -partnership. "."
<br />
<br />
<br />.
<br />
<br />(u) Plumbing orPluniliing Fixtures ~hall mean water heating
<br />facilities, water pipes, gas pipes, garbage disposalunits,~
<br />water closets, waste pipes, sinks, install'ed,dish~ashers, <'~'<i":";':::;;:,.',r
<br />. 'lavatori;es , bathtubs, shower baths, installed clothes, . """...:;,_:,.':
<br />was~ing machines or other. s~milar' equip~ent'~'.":cat'ch'bas~ns {: -<:).-;:,:",,;A:,
<br />dral.ns, vents, or other sl.ml.larly suppll.ed fl.xtures, together,:. ':'''f:;~r
<br />"wi thall connections to' water,' gas, sewer, :::orvene.lines .:>.: '" "~}>':i'
<br />
<br />:(v) Premises shall mean a lot, Plot,orpa~cel.:of:jand',"'c'_,:. :~'::;--;lr.:
<br />including the building or structures thereon.'
<br />
<br />". . -: ~
<br />
<br />(w) Residence BUllding shall mean a building in which sleeping
<br />~ccop~od~tion5 or sleeping accommodations and cooking facili-
<br />ties as a unit ~re provided.
<br />
<br />.
<br />.'
<br />
<br />(x) Rooming House 511<3'11 mean any residence building, or any
<br />", part thereof, containing on~ or more rooming units, in which
<br />""_"',:", space is let by t.he owner or operator .to ,.thr:~e.- (3)01", more "
<br />persons who are not husband or wife, son ,or. da;Jghter, . mother'~":~:,',\f
<br />or, fa the r , or;5 i s ~er ,:'0 r bra t her:: of t h~.,:~_wne r;,orio~~r ator.::}:, ::.,-,',",';'o':,.:','.",'"._'".,:'.~:':~,-,:,',:,.,:,','.:,.,',.,".',,:.,',',,:,.:,',',',:,.,'~,:,.',':,','"'.~,;"'~,,',',::..,,:.,~:,,.,:,~~,,...,
<br />
<br />.",.., "',', (y) 'Rooming Unit shall',:.'neanany'room" or;,:group;o'f.'rOoms;/ ,)"" '= ',;
<br />':'.':;':;~:~':<i,ii:,,:Jorming a single habi table unit used or intended to" be: used" ,,':::'~,'),::J
<br />, " " for 1 i ving and sleeping ,but not for cooking,or;:eating , . ,~<J(:~':;~:E;
<br />purposes. ..
<br />
<br />
<br />(z) SUEP} ied. fih;)ll m('iln installed, furnished or provided by
<br />thp. O\-Incr or opera tor.
<br />
<br />(~.l) W0rkmanlike. Whcn~vcr the words; "workmanlike state of-
<br />m.'1inten:1nc~ ,'nd -n~p.lir" are used in this chapter they shall
<br />mean thdl such m.:.:intcnance ilnd repair: shall be made in a
<br />reasonably prof\~f;;.;iondl m"nncr.
<br />
<br />.
<br />
<br />-.. '.'
<br />. " ."
<br />
<br />
<br />'.
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