<br />"~
<br />",,-,
<br />
<br />pn tte 2
<br />
<br />On:! Mllcr No. .l.p
<br />
<br />. (:\) ~:lI\I ,I('v('lnpmrnt cIlntrilt"t !\hrdl lnclu,It' provi~ion!; for ~mpcrvl!'lnn
<br />".... uf dctAil~ of ('on~trtlclion hy tht' City Anu r.rAnt to the City authority to
<br />,. ,',in!\pt'ct nil work prrf('nDrd pur!\uant to ~:lill cont rnet to n!l"ur~ satlsfnctory
<br />I,corform:tnct' And ,~c\mplctionof tht' wnrL ...-.--
<br />
<br />'.
<br />
<br />..,
<br />
<br />.
<br />
<br />Suhd i vi" lOll ~\. \. illl"H~ iill . (;U:1r:mtN", Th... clrvrlopmcilt cont ract~hnl1
<br />.rc-,,"irr, il~ l'rovi,lf"\ hrrc.;Tr\II~,-nl~~r,.:velopt'r to milkc n ca~h dcpo!\it or
<br />in lit-II tht'rrof fllrnl!"h a prrformal,c(' hnlld in lln "mount hil~Ctl 1:1,on thco
<br />total ('o~t, a~ r~t imntrd hy the' t:it}' FTl~lne('r, of nil puhlic lmprovemcnt!'l,
<br />IItilltir!'l an" otht'!' imprrw('mrnl!'l pllT51H1nt lo !'laid contract tohe con!'ltructed
<br />:nul In''':llk'' hy till' .1C;VI"\ol'l"r. TIl(' total ,',O!'lt 5hnll inc1uclc the cn~t of
<br />in..pect inn h): the Lity IIf all !"IICh it:lprovl'ment5. \lpnn the report of
<br />tilt' City r.n~i'llC'!"r tlwt "pel'ial prohleln!'l rxi..', which potentlnlly l'oulll
<br />mnke the .lrvt.."lol'l11l'l1t mil!"!" en!"tly or difficult thnn e..tlmatrd, thl~ C:OIl1ldl
<br />may rC'lllil'C a l';)o;1\ lit-posit or pC'rformall(,(, hnnd ~reat<,r than th:1t provill('ll
<br />IH~r('ln:lfter hili 11111 i.] ('xcecd I!,() p<,rco:'nt of tIll' tntal c.ost.
<br />
<br />(I) Cnsh Ilepnsit. ^ c:lsh dcpo!'lit, cert.ified ("'heck or other negotiahle
<br />instrument, aPi'l'ovrd hy tht' City Mtorney, shnll hI.' made to the City in 3
<br />sum Cqllll I to J 10 percent of the tolnl ~ost. The CI ty sha 11 becntit led
<br />to reimburse its<,lf out of ..aid c1"posit for any cost and expense incurred "
<br />by the City for ('nmplct1on of the work in ca5e of default of the developer"
<br />under said contract nnd for :lIlY Ilamagrs s\lstail1t"c! hy the City on account
<br />of any hre~ch tht"rrof. IIpon s:lti!"fa("Iory complt"tjon (If the terms of the
<br />contrilct <ll\lltermination of any liahililit"s to the City of the ueveloper
<br />under said contr:lct the hal:inct' !"cmOlininr. of said dcpo..it shall be
<br />reflln,\r(\ to,the del'clol'rr,
<br />
<br />, .:,....'.
<br />~. .'
<br />
<br />(2) I'erformancc Hl>il,i.~;1 liell of making a ca!'lh depo!'lit the developer
<br />may fllrni5h the City with il puhllC performance hond in the form prescribed
<br />. hy statute with corporate surety in il penal sum eqmtl to 12Sperccnt. of the
<br />. total C(l..t.":.'~:iici'h(illii shallp\csllhjcet to applovlll of the City Attorney.
<br />
<br />
<br />. ..~."..." ."
<br />..... '.
<br />
<br />Suhdivision (,. ~'a}'mc~ of Ex~~\~<:::: The ownc" or developer shall
<br />pay, prior t!!' issll:mce (,f any }-,'.Ii l;'\ing permit for a development, the '"
<br />cxp('ns!'s i"I"II:'rcli by th: Clty in !h~ rro("l'~sinl-!, T"cvle\\' , and evnluation of:
<br />proposl'd drtvelopmr'nto; an,1 lh.>velopment ront r:lct.. and in the inspection of
<br />all work p(~rfnrml'cl ptll'~ll;Jnt. to saill nlllll".1ct... Stich co~ts !'h:111 include.
<br />hill I1pt ",.' linl;II.,1 to, those for profession:11 cl1~ineednr., lC~:11 :nlll
<br />pl:tl1niap, ..i:'rvic('.., city ~taff time. materials :1I1c1 other servicc~. ^
<br />ll<,po..it inj aT: :lI1lOll11t -'llfficiC'nt to 1':1)' snch expenses, a.. estimntcII hy t11(;
<br />CI"rk, may; hI' :h:':l'l'tn! by th(' eit)' whel1ev('~ eX;lct expel1$C'S hnve not hern
<br />c!1.'tC'rmil1C',1 :11 tilt' time th" hni J.lill~ pI'rmit i~; is:'IIC'J.
<br />
<br />".'.::
<br />. .......
<br />
<br />'lhi,11l1<1111:lnl'f' <hall l;)~.l' "rfrl-t from a 11\\ ;lftrr the
<br />l'"!,Jic.::Ili,"", l';l"""'c\ It\' tl\l.' t'OIIlIl"il of Ihl" City of ~'()1I11c1..
<br />of___ 1"1'_I)..l .. .._______ ' I~I "
<br />
<br />~.
<br />ll;lt<, of its
<br />Vi (".oJ t his . -1l!l'- day
<br />
<br />,\al'sr:
<br />
<br />c~ .w!~jL/L
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<br />)_uLl.:.u.~~/..--
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