<br />,-
<br />
<br />~2i \o/:..tJ".ir. i'::::.v row.. ,~"'~ of each unit entrance,
<br />..... _u...ii,. O;".u ::io:u ~d,r,~ul.Q:W..(' Wl.th. q J;'qtir~9.ot not less
<br />'"",.,...;" 2i\-~OlJC.
<br />
<br />.:.iJ~i: ' ,:
<br />
<br />\..)/ ...:....J1~1,J :;~.....:: ~u PO:-OVh4CQ and intitallcd in overy multiple
<br />~,'.\'u_-_..\.J <~;: :.::....~;: o~'u ti.ru \.lxcin<jui::;,..or in tho furnaco room. In
<br />','~u"'~-,~~.}.. ftA,;.....,/o... ~ :;Ol:iigC roorr.s t.:'.i&t a:'(~ '.sci.>ara'to -'frori.i,.~:"tho 'furnace room',~,~:~:::.' '.,;':0,.;,.
<br />." \; .:.;;~~;~.;:,v;...,,: '~H~<i:>.iol"u.~ f iro o^ :;;inguis~.or a~'lc:ll-l be rC!quiredunles8 '.<"[
<br />;...:...-,.~:.~':"~"-..;,,,~~...t offi.;;ur as cioiit.ed in 'Section 93.'16 determines: in',. ':;:i:f
<br />, . '..~' ":." ..:.'~;.'.;.~~;;.~.,... :;,.. ;:;..acor.s ;;.::....c :;;:,or. of tho huilcling and 'the location.. 'of.", ., ". '.','
<br />. '':'.J~~..U~'' :. ~~".J (.:;,\:.~r,<;ui~~,"~r!;i i:A tIle bui16inq it.ake .this requireine~t'. un-: ..' . -,
<br />"'[.~';;(;<:':':;i.o::'j. ,"i:ru u^ti.-.g'u':~:..ors rOq\4irudbythissUDParagraphshall:':':>~1
<br />~'.....vu .;. rc..::~;-.(j of not ~oss than 2i\-10BC. ..' ,.)i;;;:
<br />
<br />::~j
<br />
<br />"-e'
<br />...,...', . -
<br />,.,-..".. . ".",
<br />,....'.... '
<br />
<br />
<br />.: :. '~. ~~';:',.
<br />
<br />~(:ct.io~" S._'~~' <:tddir.~; 93.12 (5)' .Hazar~ous,:Storage.. No . '..,
<br />., .:.0:....-.;u 0;: ..r.'1 .<:..:-.c. slOul:l. bo a:l.lowed under sta.'1.rways. An enclosed'"
<br />u.-,:.... "';...::....;:." u. -.; -':'u:"'r\vv.'.l ....\.4S i; 00 cleaned. out and permanently sealed
<br />0::. :~~~V~~~.:..: ~tor~g~ locker~ must bo provided with locking,
<br />~~V~C~5 ~o ~~~a~ said loc~crs may bo ~ept locked at all times'. ( ,
<br />
<br />
<br />;;>
<br />
<br />.\',:-,.
<br />,,>. ,
<br />
<br />:',.' Seccio.... .). By adding 93.13 (5), Destruction,.'. No person'" .
<br />;;;.......:..:.:..:.;.::::-.:.::'1 ':':a.;-:.age ,;.I\.4tila.te or deface any part of residential,
<br />:::-.:::""~ .::,~ ~c.';;:'~ or :>\..pplied f~xt....res, e'iuiprnentor, furnishings located .'
<br />
<br />:f
<br />
<br />-::':.~;:vv:.. .
<br />
<br />___.',0;
<br />
<br />.... ~',
<br />
<br />Suction 7. By <:tillonding 93.07(3) (c):
<br />
<br />...
<br />' ,
<br />,..:.. :
<br />0- '.
<br />, , ..
<br />"~ ". '. , .. '.. "
<br />
<br />....... ..' ":;vo~y winuow other than a"fixed, windqwshall "be
<br />," s-.:.;:>:):~ec with properly fitting screens that are
<br />..f.',::'. \-:~ ~;.out i-.olos or tears. Such screens shall be
<br />kC:?t in so-.:.nd co:-.rli tionand repair. Every window,
<br />. 0-.::.0::- thar. a fi:-.:ed wi:-.c1ow, shall be capable of
<br />"-"~.",' '.. ~eir.g easily opo:-.ed and shall be helciin an:open.
<br />..::~."....~.-._:_or closed position by window hardware.." ,.' .
<br />
<br />
<br />:: ~~~~;'~;.~.~'
<br />:':.l"I:"-,
<br />
<br />.:)~~~t~1~~;~f:~;{~i/~~~4~:~~~~#t~;~~'i'6~''';8. ':~';f,By(:'~'~~ndiinl-?';:93 .'1 0 (5) : .
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />, .
<br />
<br />: ., "... ;''.11 i"acili ti~3'_ and equipment. All equipment'," fixtures
<br />/,:"'.u all building space and pc:.rts in every ,dwelling and".
<br />i."iUl ~.iple dwelling shall be contructed,installed and
<br />":;:!~~";:;ain'~d in work;nan1.ike 8tr,te of repair so as top:cupE?r-
<br />... ,......--::.ly arid safely perform their intended function. All.constr..:,.'
<br />
<br />.;.~y.~~f~~!~:~i~~d~~~~~n~o~~~~.s ~~~~:E:i~!~i~i!i~~~i:~~~E~!~i;".;' "\.'"
<br />
<br />".,;.~:i/ -:~-":;:. ''':'f::~:''~:-::-::~ tary condi iion so as not to breed insects 'and ro.den:t;s 'or . . '.
<br />c.....<:_proouce . dangerous or offens i va gases' or'odors." "
<br />
<br />.-.
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />'.. ........ c.' "'C +; 0" . ,{'. ;." a'" '... d; n"" 93 20"
<br />:..:,...:.,:::._:~...,I.J\i \".&',"';1_ '-JJ ,11t:,J..&b . .
<br />
<br />.,... .
<br />,'.
<br />
<br />.. ~,:;.forcernQ.;:..1,~.'?tice of '/iolation. ~'Jhen any violationof
<br />t:;is Ch:I.f)'tcr ~nall (;01l1~ to the a'tt.ention of the enforce- "
<br />~ent officer. and prior to any prosecution for an alleged
<br />violation cf tr.ib Cii.lpter. it. shall be .the duty of the
<br />0nforc~ment officer to cause notice of such violation to
<br />:.;.! ;3(:nt tv th~ ho1d~r. or his agent. of the certificate'
<br />o~ r~,~iGtr~ti(jn, or ~. no certificate of registration. to
<br />.,,:ie owner. operator or occupant of such premises., The
<br />r.vti~e of violation shall be sent by certified mail to
<br />'tr,E:l last known adOress of ouch per'son I a copy of suc,h"
<br />. r;otice Gr.all te posted L: at least one conspicuosplace, ,.,.
<br />. \..ipon the premises wr.erein tho violation exi-sted. and such::,
<br />
<br />