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Ordinance 273
City Council
Ordinance 273
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6/4/2007 2:43:47 PM
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2/2/2007 3:28:46 PM
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<br />~!!...\PTER ~ S <br /> <br />TI1::: )-,I~S'l'IVI'I'!ES COM.!-1ISSJON <br /> <br />:e <br /> <br />)~.Ol E5TAULTSHMENT. There is her~by pnt~blished a <br />Festivities Commiss~for the purpose of' promoting community' <br />events and activites designed to enhance community awareness . <br />and recognition :io Mounds View. " <br /> <br />:, ,~ <br /> <br />. ' <br />35.02 COMPOSITION. <br /> <br />, , <br /> <br />{l} t~prai:atrr:c:1t. 'I'hc Corn..:,:i~z.icrl sh311 consist of nine <br />members to be appointed by the Counc il. 'rhe first Comlllission <br />shall have appointed to it three members who shall serve for <br />one y~ar, thre~ members to serve two years, and three members. <br />to serve three years. All appointments thereafter shall be <br />for three year terms except that appointments to replace a <br />CommiSSIon membp.r I \..rho resigns before completion of his term, <br />shall be for the unexpired portion of the term, Terms sha 11 <br />be for calendar years ending on the 31st day of December. <br /> <br />, (,.p. . <br /> <br />(2j I:::rnov:tl. The members of the Commission shall serve <br />without compensation ~nd may be removed from the office by <br />the Council. Any member may be removed from office by a <br />vote of the Commission ~nd the consent of the Council if said <br />member misses three consecutive meetings without the approval <br />of the chairperson.. <br /> <br />35.03 ORGANIZATION. <br /> <br />J.' <br /> <br />" ' <br />I:. ' <br /> <br />':".:.-::. <br /> <br />(1) Officers. The Commission in .Jan'-lary of each year shall <br />elect a cha irperson fn.m ,;imong its members. 'fhe Commission <br />may create 6nd fill such other offices as it may determine. <br />,All off i '~ers, shal L<servc, for tc~rms, of"oneyear ..: ,'~' <br /> <br /> <br />(2) Meetings. ~'!'he COmmissi<)11 .shall conduct an organizatio!l'al,: <br />meeting each year j n ,j'anuary and s:lall meet at such other, times <br />as it deems nt!CeSsilry. .1\ ma;ori ly of the Commission shall <br />constitute a quorum. The Commission shall record minutes of <br />it!'":> rn(;(\!:inq~, ..lnej ~ COI)Y thereof. sh:J.ll .be filed wi.l~,11 the ',. <br /> <br />HunL:ip..l Cle:'k each month. <br /> <br />. , ' - <br />.. - . '. <br />(3) Ey-Laws. Tht2 Comnd ssion shall adopt rules of procedure <br /> i.t~-~ f~l':-1t lill.:l;tirry. '., Hi",lY ...lncn;] '~;\l,,,~h rdles frolf' l'lme <br /> iJY d two-thirds vote of Commiss ion members. . <br /> <br />(4) Budqet and Finances. By August-lstof each year the_ <br />Commission shdll submit to the Coun~il a budqet for the <br />f!l1suing year inc 1 udinq Doth rev~nU~ and expendi ture projections.' <br />.1\11 Commission receipts shall be deposited with the Municipal <br />Treasurer, who shall il:isu~ eXlJ~nJ i Lure warrants upon request . <br />of the Commission for approval "by the Council.'The Commission <br />shall rcco!Tlm(:nd to the Council Hwusp. of nny donations received <br />or proccvds qener~tcd by the Commission. <br /> <br />(J) ;\flnlJdl r/,:pOI':_. 1'i.o' ~..U1Lj:ij;~:;iUii <br />an ~nnual reportoE It~ activities. <br /> <br />:jildll submit to the Council <br />(273) <br /> <br />. <br />
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