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<br />, (4) Strength Charge Payment. It is hereby approved, adopted
<br />and established that the Strength Charge established by. paraqraph,
<br />(2) above shall be paid by each industrial uaerreceivinq waste' '
<br />treatment services and subject thereto before the twentieth' (20th)
<br />day next succe~ding the date of billing thereof to such user by
<br />or on behalf of tne City, and such payment thereof shall be de~med
<br />to be delinquent if not so paid to the billing entity before' -"
<br />such date. Furthermore, it is hereby established, ~approved and
<br />adopted that if such payment is not paid before such date an
<br />industrial user shall pay interest compounded monthly at the,
<br />rate of two-thirds of one percent (2/3%) per month on the unpaid
<br />balance due.
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<br />(S) Establishment of Tax Lien. As provided by Minnesota
<br />Statutes, Section 444.075, Subdiv5"sion 3, it is hereby approved,
<br />adopted and established that if payment of the Strength Charge
<br />established by paragraph (2) above is not paid before the
<br />sixtieth (60th) day next succeeding the date of billing,'tl1ereof
<br />to the indus~rial user by or on b43half of the.City, said d~linquent
<br />sewer strength charge, plus accrued interest established pursuant
<br />to paragraph (4) above, shall be deemed to be a charge against
<br />the owner, lessee and occupant of the property served, and the
<br />City or its agent shall certify such unpaid delinquent la1ance
<br />to the county auditor with taxes against the property served
<br />for collection as other taxes are, collected: provided, however,
<br />that such certification shall not' preclude the City or its
<br />agent from recovery of such delinquent sewpr strength charge
<br />and interest thereon under any other available remedy.'
<br />
<br />
<br />This ordinance shall Lake effect from and after the date of it~,
<br />,c' publication. Passed by the Counel1 of the' "City",of': f.1ounds View
<br />this 10th day of 'July, 1978. ,., ,~.., ..-.... ~:M..
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<br />ATTEST:
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