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<br />IndcnmiHcation.
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<br />The COIl'pany shall indl'mnHy, ko:cp .1110 hold lhe City fr(!'c and 'h,'rl~less"o-rrom' ""
<br />.1IIY and all liahility on account of injury to perse'n!; or dilm"gc to property
<br />o"'c:l~ioncd b}' the con:.truction, maintl'n.1nce, rcpo:;r or operation of the Company's
<br />fncilit.ics lo~.'ted in, on, over, under or across the streets nnd public places
<br />of the CLty, unless sucll injury or damage grows out of the ncgJigcrcc of the,
<br />City, its employ('(~s, or agents, or n:sults from the performance in a prop'~r....
<br />rn,1Oner of acts reasonably deemed hazardous by the Company, but such perfol:~:1anCe
<br />is nevertheless ordered or directed by the City after notice. of the C_ompany.',!;._,':,~
<br />-dctennination, In the event the suit sha'110e brought"ag.linst the City under,
<br />circumstances where the above agreement to indemnify applies, tile Comp~ny at
<br />its sole cost and expense shall defend the City in such suit if written notice
<br />thereof is promr~t; given to the Company within a period wh~r~in the Compariy-
<br />is not prr.jlJtii~cd by lClCK of such notices. If such notice is not reasonably
<br />given as hereinbefore provided, the Company shall have no duty to indemnify nor
<br />defend. If the Company is required to indemnify and defend. it will thcr~after
<br />have complete control of such litigation, but the Company may not settle such
<br />litigation without the consent of the City, which consent shall not be '
<br />unreasonably withheld.
<br />
<br />.... :..'.;..
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<br />
<br />SECTION 11. Franchise Fee.
<br />
<br />It is agreed by the City and Company that the City may at any time during
<br />the term hereof impose on the Company, as full compensation for the rights hereby
<br />granted. a flanchise fee of not more than four percent (4%) of the Company's
<br />gross operating revenues, as hereinafter defined, such fee to be payable not
<br />later titan April 1 of each year and to be based upon the gross operating revenues
<br />of the Co::;pany for the preceding calendar year or the part thereof after such:
<br />fee becomes effective. Such fee .:ihall be imposed by ordinance duly adopteif:by
<br />"'four-fifth's vote of the entire Council, after a public hearing, pursuant t9
<br />notice published in the official newspaper, providing fur. at. 'least ten (l0)'
<br />days' notice prior t~ the hearing, anrl shall not become effective'Ontil at ~~i~
<br />least sixty (60) days after wri ttcn notice ti-tcrcof has been served upon the ,'"
<br />Company by registered mai 1. The perc0nt fee m:,:: he changeeL:by:the:'Coundl bY ,
<br />0rdinance from time to time, however, each chang~ shall meet the above notice,
<br />hearing, aud vot ing requircments and the pen:€'ntagc imposecJmust remain firm 'for
<br />at least one year, and the totul fee shall not exceed fOlltpercent. Sueh ordinance
<br />shall not pre\ent the Company from adjlJsting its charges in such manner as it
<br />deems ap?ropriat.e for the purp05e of reimbursing the Company for the payments tCl
<br />be made to the Ci ty, and t he Company may inJicate on its bi 1 Is the customers.'
<br />portion of said fees, Such fee shall not exccl!d any amount which the Company
<br />may legally recover prior to the payw.ent to tl~e Ci ty by im!)osing a surcharge
<br />equivalent to sllch fee in its rates for gilS service to customers within the
<br />City. The tenn "gross opera t i ng revenues" means all sum:; ,cxe 1 uding said surcharge.
<br />received by the Company from tr.e sale of gas within the corporate .Iimits of the
<br />City. The foregoing time and mann",r of collecting said sllrchaq~e is subjcct'to
<br />the approval of the r.linneso!:a Puhl ic Service Commission \>hich the Company agrees
<br />to use its hest t"ffrlrls to ()!>t:~in.
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<br />~;E(:T 10:,] 12. (~,~!.::~I~f.:""'_~I2-t~(),rn_(~_Li~<.'.::'~~I.~~.!.l_~
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<br />Any Ch;lll,:(' of lh' fonn (II ,:<Ivcrnlllent of the City e,f l'l(luIHI!; ViC'\.,r
<br />authorized hy thf' SLlte (If r-lilme'~;f)t.1 shall Il<lt ;Iff,'cl the valiuity (If this
<br />fr,1Ilchis". AllY 1i11l1licip.11 cr'l'j',>r:1t inn ~IIC'Cf'l'c1ill~; IhC' City shall, I.'ithout tlw
<br />con"ent of th,' Cpl11p;;ny, ~;lIl'cl'('d t., ;dl thl~ I'il;ht.; .tlld (.hlh:.I,tinn--: ,':'! :-h.
<br />(: It.y P r.'v i dl'd ill, t 11i~; i r ;Inch i ';l'. " ..' ,...':',
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