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<br />107.10
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<br />
<br />i9=t-:99 107.10 Restrictions. No permit shall be issued.
<br />all~wing ~he-~aMe a bingo game or raffle to be conducted or gambling
<br />~evlces used by the applicant association more than one day a week
<br />on the same premises or for a longer period than four consecutive
<br />hour~ un anyone day within a period of more than one year from "
<br />the date the permit is issued.
<br />
<br />". .,,1",
<br />
<br />i9~-:ie l07.11 Refunds. After an application has been granted,
<br />no refund of the fees hereunder taxed shall be made.
<br />
<br />i9=t-:ll l07.l2 Sole purpose. No such association shall rent,
<br />lease, or occupy any property for the sole purpose of conducting
<br />such ~aMe-el" bingo gameN or raffle or using ga~g devices.
<br />
<br />iO~-:i~ 107.l3 Persons Conducting. Only memhers of the
<br />applicant association shall be permitted to conduct the game bingo
<br />games or raffle or use gambling devices and no perso'n shall'-:be paid,
<br />or given any remuneration for conducting s~ch9affie bingo game or '
<br />raffle or using gambling devices.
<br />
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<br />i9~-:i3 I07.l4 Change of Officers. If, subsequent to the
<br />issuance of the permit there shall be a change of officers of the '
<br />. ":,
<br />association or of the manager of the game (s), the license conferred:", '" ""',".r::,,,
<br />by the permit shall be void until such change orchangcs shall have ,_;.:..>".-,:c,_"., ' ,
<br />been brought to the attention of, and approved by~ the Clerk
<br />Administrator.
<br />
<br />i9=t-:i4 l07.l5 Free I~nches. No free lunches, food or '
<br />merchandise shall be offered or given, nor shall other inducements'
<br />for ~ame participation be made by anyone.
<br />
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<br />
<br />
<br />i9=t-:i5 107.l6 Revocation. No permittee shall have a vested
<br />right in any permit hereto, and such permit may be revoked in the
<br />_event the permittee shall violate or cause to be violated any of
<br />the provisions of this chapter, or of the statutes relat~ng to
<br />ub~n~eU-~aMes bin90 and gambling devices, or of any state law,
<br />ordinance, or regulation pertaining to the conduct of said game -
<br />or to the pre:nises on which it shall be conducted, or in theeven.t' .- ,--
<br />the applicant shall be guilty of any misrepresentation' in thef "
<br />application.
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<br />i9~-:i6 l07.l7 proceeds., The proceeds arlslng from the
<br />conducting of "bingo" games, raffles or operating gambling machines
<br />shall not inure to the profit of any individual.
<br />
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<br />
<br />i9~~1=t 107.18 Books and Inspection. The permittee association
<br />shall at all times keep prop~r books and records showing the gross
<br />receipts from the operation of the said games, raffles or machines
<br />and the net receipts thereof to the permittee-association, and all
<br />
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